VCI Global Limited Establishes Support For Wisdom Accelerator Youth (WAY) Alongside The World Economic Forum

Udgivet den 11-03-2024  |  kl. 03:00  |  

Elevating Social Impact: VCI Global Commits to Wisdom Accelerator Youth (WAY) in conjunction with the World Economic Forum

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, March 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: VCIG) is poised to make a profound impact on international philanthropy, as it formalises its dedication by providing support to Wisdom Accelerator Youth (WAY), a youth-focused non-profit organisation headquartered in Switzerland.

Acknowledging the crucial role that the younger generation plays in shaping the future, VCI Global has strategically aligned itself with WAY, an organisation that shares its fervour for nurturing the potential of young minds. Positioned as a guiding light, WAY empowers youth with essential skills, knowledge, and resources vital for navigating and contributing meaningfully to the intricate challenges of the ever-evolving global landscape.

Unified by a shared vision of empowering and uplifting the next generation, VCI Global and WAY forge a collaborative commitment to leave a lasting impact on the lives of young individuals. The partnership underscores core values such as education, mentorship, and resource allocation, establishing a holistic approach to youth development. This support not only serves as a cornerstone for VCI Global's international Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives for 2024 but also extends into the foreseeable future.

Conversely, VCI Global eagerly anticipates its participation in the upcoming edition of the World Economic Forum (WEF) as a strategic move to solidify its international standing. The company aims to align itself with the overarching mission of the WEF, which centres around enhancing the state of the world by fostering collaboration among key stakeholders, including business, political, academic, and societal leaders.

This participation underscores the company's commitment to actively contribute to shaping global, regional, and industry agendas, as it seeks to play a pivotal role in addressing pressing global challenges. By engaging with the diverse array of thought leaders present at the WEF, VCI Global endeavours to establish meaningful connections and leverage this unique platform to propel its mission of positive global impact.

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VCI Global Limited


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