Rapala VMC Corporation's Financial Statement and other 2023 reports have been released

Udgivet den 20-03-2024  |  kl. 15:00  |  

RAPALA VMC CORPORATION, Annual Financial Report, March 20, 2024 at 05:00 p.m. EET

Rapala VMC Corporation's Financial Statements, Corporate Governance Statement, Sustainability Report and Remuneration Report 2023 have been published as attachments to this stock exchange release.

All statements and other investor information are available on the Group's corporate website at www.rapalavmc.com in English and Finnish.

Rapala VMC Corporation publishes the Financial Statements in accordance with European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) reporting requirements. In line with the ESEF requirements, the primary statements have been labelled with XBRL tags. These XBRL tags have not been subject to audit.

Rapala VMC Corporation

Lars Ollberg

President and Chief Executive Officer

Additional Information

For additional information, please contact: Tuomo Leino, Investor Relations (tel. +358 9 7562 540)

About Rapala VMC Corporation

Rapala VMC group is the world's leading fishing tackle company and the global market leader in fishing lures, treble hooks and fishing related knives and tools. The group also has a strong global position in other fishing categories and Rapala VMC's distribution network is largest in the fishing industry. The main manufacturing facilities are in Finland, France, Estonia, and the UK. Rapala VMC group's brand portfolio includes the leading brand in the industry, Rapala, and other global brands like VMC, Sufix, Storm, Blue Fox, Luhr Jensen, Williamson, Dynamite Baits, Mora Ice, StrikeMaster, Marttiini, Peltonen and 13 Fishing as well as Okuma in Europe. The group, with net sales of EUR 222 million in 2023, employs some 1 400 people in approximately 40 countries. Rapala VMC Corporation's share is listed and traded on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange since 1998.



Rapala_VMC_Financial_statements_2023_EN Rapala_VMC_Sustainability Report_2023_EN Rapala_VMC_Remuneration Report_2023_EN Rapala_VMC_Corporate_Governance_Statement_2023_EN 7437009TB42O2AB3JW91-2023-12-31-en


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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