Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S: Transactions in connection with share buy-back programme

Udgivet den 15-04-2024  |  kl. 12:30  |  
Company Announcement


Copenhagen, 15 April 2024

Transactions in connection with share buy-back programme

On 10 November 2023, Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S announced that a share buy-back programme of an aggregated value of up to DKK 850 million was launched with the purpose to adjust the Company's capital structure and meet obligations relating to the Group's share-based incentive programme.

Part of the programme will be conducted in accordance with Regulation No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and Council of 16 April 2014 (the "Market Abuse Regulation") and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052, also referred to as the Safe Harbour rules. Another part of the share buy-back programme is conducted as a directed buy-back from Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker Aktieselskab and C.W. Obel A/S as further described in company announcement no. 30/2023. The share buy-back programme will end no later than 28 February 2025.

The following transactions have been executed from 08 April - 12 April 2024:

  Number of shares Average
purchase price, DKK
Transaction value, DKK
Accumulated, last announcement 2,211,060   269,370,089
8-Apr-24 25,000 112.03 2,800,765
9-Apr-24 28,000 112.20 3,141,510
10-Apr-24 28,000 111.80 3,130,442
11-Apr-24 27,685 111.00 3,073,135
12-Apr-24 24,255 110.97 2,691,553
Total, 08 Apr - 12 Apr 2024 132,940 111.61 14,837,407
Bought from CAF, 12 Apr 2024* 60,377 111.61 6,738,665
Bought from CWO, 12 Apr 2024* 27,844 111.61 3,107,663
Accumulated, under the programme 2,432,221   294,053,824

*According to separate agreements as from 10 November 2023 Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker Aktieselskab (CAF) participates on a 27.30% pro-rata basis and C.W.Obel A/S (CWO) participates on a 12.59% pro-rata basis to the shares purchased in the share buy-back programme.

A detailed overview of transactions during the period 08 April - 12 April 2024 is
attached to this announcement.

Following the above transactions Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S owns a total of 2,813,970 treasury shares, corresponding to 3.23% of the total share capital.


For further information, please contact:
Torben Sand, Head of IR & Communication, phone +45 5084 7222 or
Eliza Dabbagh, IR and Communication, phone +45 5080 7619 or

About Scandinavian Tobacco Group

Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S is a world-leading manufacturer of handmade and machine-rolled cigars with an annual production of more than four billion cigars. The Group holds market-leading positions in several categories and its products are sold in more than 100 markets.

Scandinavian Tobacco Group has its headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark - and employs approximately 10,000 people in Europe, the US, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.

For more information, please visit


Company Announcement no 21 2024 PDMR notification CWO 12 Apr 2024 PUBLIC_SBB_SCANDINAVIAN TOBACCO GROUP


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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