Welltec Q1 2024 Interim Report and Investor Conference Call Announcement

Udgivet den 23-04-2024  |  kl. 13:23  |  

Q1 2024 Interim Report and Investor Conference Call Announcement

Welltec® will disclose its Q1 2024 Interim Report and will discuss the results during an investor conference call to be held Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, at 5 pm CEST.

The conference call will be available only to current and prospective bond holders, broker dealers, and securities analysts, and can be accessed by dialing in a few minutes before the start and informing the operator that you would like to participate in Welltec's investor conference call.

Relevant dial-in details and conference ID can be obtained by contacting Kris Petrov krpetrov@welltec.com and registering for the call. Registration will not be possible once the investor conference has started.

The Q1 2024 Interim Report will be made available in the "Investor Room" on Welltec's website at http://www.welltec.com/investors.

For further information, please contact:

Kris Petrov, Finance Director

Cell:  +45 48 14 35 14

E-mail: krpetrov@welltec.com

Company Profile:

Welltec® is a global technology company that develops and provides efficient, hi-tech solutions for the energy industry.

The company was founded in 1994 and grew rapidly by supplying innovative robotic technology to oil and gas operators. In 2010, Welltec introduced a new business segment focused on the development of Completion products. Commercialization of these products began in 2014, and the company is now a global leader in the field of metal expandable packer technology. Welltec's cutting-edge products and services are designed to optimize the performance and integrity of a well, in any environment.

Through advanced engineering and lightweight design, Welltec's solutions have helped clients increase operational efficiency and reduce carbon footprints in a safe and sustainable way for more than 25 years. Today, Welltec continues to evolve and invest in its technology portfolio with products and services adapted to take on the challenges of New Energy and Climate Technology, including Geothermal and Carbon Capture & Storage projects.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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