Udgivet den 13-05-2024  |  kl. 18:25  |  

Sword Technologies S.A., a Sword Group company,

- in collaboration with Twenty8 S.A. has signed two contracts with EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation. The duration of the contracts is 7 years with a foreseen revenue for Sword of more than €28 million.

- in a consortium with Fujitsu, PwC and CTG, wins a 4-year framework contract with the European Investment Fund (EIF) with a total budget of €60 million shared among five consortia.

The contract with EUROCONTROL, a civil and military intergovernmental organisation, in which 41 countries participate as members, with the single mission of optimising the overall performance of the European air traffic management network, concerns the support, maintenance, development and modernisation of digital enterprise applications, including several SaaS, COTS or in-house developed applications, as well as all the critical systems of EUROCONTROL's Central Route Charges Office (CRCO). Indicatively, some of these applications are: the core financial application of the organisation based on Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP, the billing and claims system, the CRCO portals for airspace users and national administrations, etc.

The services to be provided to EIF include: 
- Application development and deployment to support EIF's digital transformation,
- Information management, governance, and data science, which involve the use of analytics and artificial intelligence to implement predictive and descriptive algorithms, 
- Exploration and automation of advanced or emerging technologies, such as robotic process automation (RPA), blockchain, and smart contracts, 
- IT strategy, security, and architecture, encompassing Cloud computing and cybersecurity, 
- IT service management, among other initiatives.

Dieter Rogiers, CEO of Sword Technologies S.A., recently discussed two significant contracts that highlight the company's expanding influence and strategic partnerships in Europe. Regarding the first contract, Dieter expressed his enthusiasm at working with EUROCONTROL, a prestigious client. He is confident that Sword will meet his expectations and believes this is just the beginning of a rewarding collaboration.

In his second statement, Dieter spoke about Sword's role in supporting the digital transformation of European Investment Fund. He emphasised his commitment to fostering entrepreneurship, 
growth, innovation, research, and development, reflecting Sword's broadening customer base in European organisations.

About Sword Group

Sword has 3,000+ IT/Digital specialists present over 5 continents to accompany you in the growth of your organisation in the digital age.
As a leader in technological and digital transformation, Sword has a solid reputation in software publishing and in complex IT & business project management.
Sword optimises your processes and enhances your data.


SwordGroup_EUROCONTROL_EIF FV13052024_EN


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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