Virtune AB (Publ) is launching Virtune Staked Cardano ETP on Nasdaq Stockholm

Udgivet den 15-05-2024  |  kl. 07:33  |  

Stockholm, May 15th, 2024 - Virtune, a Swedish regulated digital asset manager is announcing the launch of a new innovative and awaited crypto ETP, Virtune Staked Cardano ETP, on Nasdaq Stockholm, the largest stock exchange in the Nordic region. 

About Virtune Staked Cardano ETP
Virtune Staked Cardano ETP provides exposure to Cardano combined with the benefits of staking. With staking incorporated, the ETP offers an additional 2% annual return on the investment made in the ETP. Like all of Virtune's ETPs, Virtune Staked Cardano ETP is 100% physically backed and fully collateralized, is denominated in SEK for the Nordic audience and is available on Avanza and Nordnet.

Key Information about Virtune Staked Cardano ETP:

1:1 exposure to Cardano with 2% additional annual return through staking 1.49% annual management fee 100% physically backed

Virtune Staked Cardano ETP

Full name: Virtune Staked Cardano ETP  Short name: Virtune Staked Cardano Ticker: VIRADA Trading currency: SEK First day of trading: Wednesday 15th May 2024 ISIN: SE0021630449

About Cardano
Cardano is an innovative blockchain platform built on a proof-of-stake protocol and was founded in 2015, which combines pioneering technologies to provide unparalleled security and sustainability to decentralized applications and systems. Unlike traditional blockchains, Cardano undergoes rigorous peer review and is developed through evidence-based methods to deliver scalability, interoperability, and sustainability without compromising security. Cardano aims to redress the balance of power in society, facilitating a more secure, transparent, and fair infrastructure for individuals and communities.

Christopher Kock, CEO of Virtune: 
"After successfully launching Virtune Staked Solana ETP and Virtune Staked Polygon last month, we are pleased to further accelerate the introduction of new, innovative staking ETPs to the Nordic market. This additional product launch is being made through a regulated, transparent, and physically backed structure. We remain committed to educating the market about crypto and are intensively collaborating with our close partners, including Coinbase, who serves as our custodian. This launch provides many investors, who have been eagerly awaiting a secure and straightforward method to gain exposure to Cardano combined with staking, with the opportunity they have been seeking"

These ETPs cater to institutional investors as well as retail investors, serving the growing demand from investors in the Nordics that have been waiting for a seamless way to gain exposure to Cardano combined with the benefits of staking. 

If you are an institutional investor interested in exploring the potential of our current and upcoming ETPs for your discretionary asset management or wish to learn more about Virtune and our product offering, please feel free to contact us.

Visit for more information, and register your email address on our website to receive updates on upcoming ETP launches and other news related to digital assets.

Press contact:

Christopher Kock, CEO Virtune AB (Publ)

+46 70 073 45 64

Virtune with its headquarters in Stockholm is a fully regulated Swedish digital asset manager and issuer of crypto exchange traded products on regulated European exchanges. With regulatory compliance, strategic collaborations with industry leaders and our proficient team, we empower investors on a global level to access innovative and sophisticated investment products that are aligned with the evolving landscape of the global crypto market.

Crypto investments are associated with high risk. Virtune does not provide investment advice; investments are made at your own risk. Securities may increase or decrease in value, there is no guarantee of getting back invested capital. Read the prospectus, KID and terms at


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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