Brunel AGM 2024

Udgivet den 16-05-2024  |  kl. 17:38  |  

Amsterdam, 16 May 2024 - Brunel International N.V. (Brunel; BRNL), a global provider of flexible workforce solutions and expertise, today announced the voting results of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) of 16 May 2024.

On 16 May 2024, the AGM approved all voting items that were on the agenda. As a result, Ms Margret Kleinsman was appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board for a term of four years.

The shareholders adopted the financial statements for the financial year 2023 and approved the proposal to distribute a dividend of € 0.55 per share for the financial year 2023. On 20 May 2024, the Brunel International share will quote ex dividend and the dividend will be made payable on 14 June 2024.

Due to health reasons, Mr Just Spee stepped down from the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors would like to thank Mr. Spee for his service and dedicated commitment to Brunel International N.V.

Mr. Graeme Maude has reached the end of his four-year term of office and consequently retired from the Board of Directors. We want to thank Mr Maude for his dedication and his important role in the strategic transformation we made over the last four years.

The AGM voting results will be placed on the Company's website. 

Source: Brunel International N.V.

For further information:

Jilko Andringa CEO
Peter de Laat CFO
tel.: +31(0)20 312 50 81

Brunel International N.V. is a global provider of flexible specialist workforce solutions. We deliver tailor made solutions like Recruitment, Global Mobility, Project Management, Secondment, Consultancy or scope of work for our clients, both on a global scale and on a local level. Our ability to help our clients beyond their expectations is a testament to our people and their entrepreneurial spirit, knowledge and results-driven approach. Our people are at the heart of everything we do.

We connect the most talented professionals with leading clients in Conventional Energy, Renewable Energy, Future Mobility, Mining, Life Sciences and Infrastructure.

Incorporated in 1975, Brunel has since become a global company with over 11,000 employees and annual revenue of EUR 1,3 billion (2023). The company is listed at Euronext Amsterdam N.V. For more information on Brunel International N.V. visit our website

Financial Calendar

16 May 2024 Annual general meeting of shareholders
20 May 2024  Ex-dividend listing
14 June 2024 Dividend available for payment
2 August 2024  Publication half-year 2024 results
1 November 2024  Trading update for the third quarter 2024


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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