Reduction of share capital in Schouw & Co.

Udgivet den 17-05-2024  |  kl. 13:06  |  

As stated in company announcement no. 21, it was decided at Schouw & Co.'s annual general meeting on 10 April 2024 to reduce the company's share capital from nominally DKK 255,000,000 to nominally DKK 250,000,000 by the cancellation of 500,000 shares of DKK 10 from the company's holding of treasury shares.

The capital reduction was published via the electronic information system of the Danish Business Authority on 17 April 2024. The four-week period, within which the company's creditors can notify the company of their claims, has expired. The company has not received any claims from the company's creditors, and the final completion of the capital reduction is registered with the Danish Business Authority on 17 May 2024.

After the capital reduction, the share capital of Schouw & Co. amounts to nominally DKK 250,000,000 divided into 25,000,000 shares of DKK 10, where each share of DKK 10 carries one vote.

In accordance with section 32 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, we hereby state that the company's total share capital and total number of voting rights amount to:

Share capital (nominal):   DKK 250,000,000
Number of voting rights:            25,000,000

, noting that voting rights cannot be exercised on treasury shares.

Aktieselskabet Schouw & Co.

Jørgen Dencker Wisborg, chairman
Jens Bjerg Sørensen, president, tel. +45 86 11 22 22


2024-05-17 FBM24-30 Gennemførelse af kapitalnedsættelse ENG


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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