New Organisation and Appointment to the Group Executive Board

Udgivet den 23-05-2024  |  kl. 06:30  |  

Jyske Bank changes its organisation to obtain stronger customer orientation, higher professionalism in the Group's control set-up and higher development and implementation efficiency.

In future, the Group Executive Board will consist of the CEO and Managing Director, a Managing Director of Corporate Clients and Capital Markets, a Managing Director of Personal Clients and Wealth Management, a Managing Director of Digitization and Operations and a Chief Risk Officer.

Consequently, Jyske Bank's Supervisory Board has as at 1 June 2024 appointed Erik Gadeberg as Managing Director, Corporate Clients and Capital Markets and new member of the Group Executive Board.

Erik Gadeberg has until now held the position as Managing Director of Capital Markets at Jyske Bank. Erik Gadeberg joined Jyske Bank in 1990 and has primarily been employed in functions associated with Capital Markets, including large corporates and institutional clients.

Kurt Bligaard Pedersen, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, states:
"Erik Gadeberg is a skilled and well-liked leader, and the clients and Jyske Bank will benefit from having his extensive experience with corporate and capital market clients integrated into the Group Executive Board".

The new remit, Corporate Clients and Capital Markets under the leadership of Managing Director Erik Gadeberg, will be responsible for Corporate Clients, Corporates and Institutions, Jyske Capital, Jyske Markets and Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S.

A new remit, Personal Clients and Wealth Management, will be established under the leadership of Managing Director Niels Erik Jakobsen and will be responsible for Personal Clients, Wealth Management, Jyske Realkredit A/S and Jyske Finans A/S.

A new remit, Digitization and Operations, will be established under the leadership of Managing Director Peter Schleidt and will be responsible for Business Development/Personal Clients and Wealth Management, Business Development/Corporate Clients and Capital Markets, Quality, Data, Infrastructure, Business Services, Properties and Procurement and Group Support.

A new remit, Risk and Compliance, will be established under the leadership of Managing Director, CRO Jacob Gyntelberg and will be responsible for Risk, Compliance, Prevention of Financial Crime, Sustainability and Legal. Jacob Gyntelberg will take office by 6 December 2024.

CEO and Managing Director, Lars Mørch, will be responsible for Credit, Finance, HR, Communication and Marketing and the Secretariat to the Group Executive Board.

As previously announced, Managing Director Per Skovhus will resign from the Group Executive Board at the end of June 2024.

Lars Stensgaard Mørch, CEO and Managing Director, states:
"We would like to increase the customer orientation of our organisation and professionalize the control set-up even further. Business areas in the Group Executive Board will be given a clear mandate across the value chain, and control functions will be consolidated and strengthened in a new separate remit in the Group Executive Board".

New Functions and Faces in Group Management

As part of the organizational change, Sustainability is elevated with reporting lines to the Group Executive Board, and as Head of this function, Trine Lysholt Nørgaard will join Jyske Bank's Group Management. Trine has until now held the position as Head of Investor Relations and Sustainability at Jyske Bank.

Katrine Mitens will assume a newly created position as Head of Business Development/Corporate Clients and Capital Markets and will join Jyske Bank's Group Management. Katrine has been employed at Grundfos and Danske Bank among other places and most recently as Chief Technology Officer at Zenegy.

Ralf Pedersen will assume a newly created position as Head of Quality, Data and Infrastructure and will join Jyske Bank's Group Management. Ralf has until now held the position as Cluster Lead for Quality and Efficiency at Jyske Bank.

Yours faithfully,
Jyske Bank

Contact person: Kurt Bligaard Pedersen, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, tel. +45 89 89 20 01.


Corporate Announcement 230524


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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