Payara Services announced tech content media and community challenge

Udgivet den 23-05-2024  |  kl. 08:40  |  

LONDON, May 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The leader in application server technology, Payara Services Ltd., launched its inaugural Jakarta EE Media and Community challenge to foster innovation and knowledge-sharing within the Java community. Expert and entry-level Java specialists, tech writers and content developers are invited to submit content that focuses on Jakarta EE and Payara Platform application server.

The contest challenges Java experts, tech writers, creatives and storytellers worldwide to showcase their talent and technical proficiency by developing captivating and technically accurate content of any written form. Discussing technical concepts behind Jakarta EE and the Payara Platform or offering insightful perspectives on real-world applications, submissions will contribute to expertise development and growth within the Jakarta EE community.

The initiative is open for entries and will close on June 30, 2024. Submissions will be evaluated by an expert judging panel, including industry representatives and notable Java community members. Recognition and awards will be given to the top finalists and winners, including cash prizes, featured spotlights and publication opportunities on Payara and Jakarta EE platforms.

Payara is committed to fostering a growth mindset and nurturing talent within the Java community by providing a workplace and industry-wide environment where individuals are empowered to make things better.

Valentina Kovacic, Director of Marketing at Payara and organiser of the event, comments: "This challenge is about community. By empowering Java enthusiasts and content developers worldwide to share their insights and expertise, we aim to foster a culture of collaboration and continuous learning within the Jakarta EE ecosystem. This initiative also gives a unique chance to emerging influencers and young writers to raise their profile in the industry."

To read more about Payara's Jakarta EE Media Challenge, visit:

About Payara Services Ltd.

A global open-source company, Payara creates innovative infrastructure software. This includes Payara Server Enterprise, an easy-to-use Jakarta EE and MicroProfile runtime which supports mission-critical production systems with secure deployments, and Payara Cloud, an all-in-one fully automated Jakarta EE cloud deployment solution that eliminates the need for application servers and knowledge of Docker and Kubernetes.

Payara is designed to provide a stable, scalable, and secure environment for running Java applications, making it an ideal choice for enterprise-level deployments. Visit:

Editorial contact

Chiara Civardi, Marketing Coordinator at Payara Services Ltd.

Malvern Hills Science Park, Geraldine Road, Malvern

WR14 3SZ, UK




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