Zealand Pharma to participate in upcoming healthcare investor conferences in June 2024

Udgivet den 29-05-2024  |  kl. 15:10  |  

Press release - No. 5 / 2024

Zealand Pharma to participate in upcoming healthcare investor conferences in June 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark, May 29, 2024 - Zealand Pharma A/S (Nasdaq: ZEAL) (CVR-no. 20045078), a biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of innovative peptide-based medicines, today announced that Adam Steensberg, President and CEO, will participate in fireside chats at the following healthcare investor conferences in June:

Jefferies Global Healthcare Conference, June 4-6 in New York City

Wednesday, June 5 at 10:00 a.m. ET (4:00 p.m. CET)

A webcast of the fireside chat will be available at https://wsw.com/webcast/jeff302/register.aspx?conf=jeff302&page=zeal&url=https://wsw.com/webcast/jeff302/zeal/1839808 and accessible through the Events page in the Investor section of Zealand Pharma's website at https://www.zealandpharma.com/events/ where a replay will also be archived after the fireside chat.

Goldman Sachs 45th Annual Global Healthcare Conference, June 10-13 in Miami

Wednesday, June 12 at 4:00 p.m. ET (10:00 p.m. CET)

A webcast of the fireside chat will be available at https://event.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1672947&tp_key=a29a9e2b8f&tp_special=8 and accessible through the Events page in the Investor section of Zealand Pharma's website at https://www.zealandpharma.com/events/ where a replay will also be archived after the fireside chat.

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About Zealand Pharma

Zealand Pharma A/S (Nasdaq: ZEAL) (Zealand) is a biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of peptide-based medicines. More than 10 drug candidates invented by Zealand have advanced into clinical development, of which two have reached the market and three candidates are in late-stage development. The company has development partnerships with a number of pharma companies as well as commercial partnerships for its marketed products.

Zealand was founded in 1998 and is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, with a presence in the U.S. For more information about Zealand's business and activities, please visit www.zealandpharma.com.


Adam Lange (Investors)
Investor Relations Officer
Zealand Pharma
Anna Krassowska, PhD (Investors and Media)
Vice President, Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
Zealand Pharma


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