Calibre Announces Voting Results From Annual General Meeting

Udgivet den 12-06-2024  |  kl. 21:00  |  

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Calibre Mining Corp. (TSX: CXB; OTCQX: CXBMF) (the Company or Calibre) is pleased to announce that all matters submitted to shareholders for approval as set out in detail in the Company's Management Information Circular dated April 22, 2024, were approved by the requisite majority of votes cast at its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") held via live webcast. A total of 467,983,736 common shares of Calibre were represented by shareholders in person or by proxy at the AGM, representing 59.41% of the Company's issued and outstanding common shares as at the record date of April 22, 2024.

Specifically, shareholders voted to approve:

Election of the Board of Directors; andRe-appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as the Company's external auditors for the ensuing year. 

Detailed results of the voting are set out below:

Election of Directors

Nominee Outcome of Votes Votes For % For Votes Withheld % Withheld
Darren Hall Carried 448,693,548 99.27 3,314,847 0.73
Blayne Johnson Carried 333,612,247 73.81 118,396,148 26.19
Douglas Forster Carried 339,366,610 75.08 112,641,785 24.92
Edward Farrauto Carried 340,669,311 75.37 111,339,084 24.63
Audra Walsh Carried 336,350,293 74.41 115,658,102 25.59
Mike Vint Carried 445,097,457 98.47 6,910,938 1.53
Randall Chatwin Carried 442,035,352 97.79 9,973,043 2.21
Omaya Elguindi Carried 446,714,665 98.83 5,293,730 1.17

Raymond Threlkeld and Douglas Hurst did not stand for re-election during the June 12, 2024 AGM. The elected directors will serve on the Board of Directors until the Company's next AGM of shareholders.

Appointment of Auditors

Outcome of Votes Votes For % For Votes Withheld % Withheld
Carried 460,052,629 98.31 7,931,107 1.69

Full details of all proposals are described in the Company's Management Information Circular available on the Company's website at and on SEDAR+ at

About Calibre

Calibre is a Canadian-listed, Americas focused, growing mid-tier gold producer with a strong pipeline of development and exploration opportunities across Newfoundland & Labrador in Canada, Nevada and Washington in the USA, and Nicaragua. Calibre is focused on delivering sustainable value for shareholders, local communities and all stakeholders through responsible operations and a disciplined approach to growth. With a strong balance sheet, a proven management team, strong operating cash flow, accretive development projects and district-scale exploration opportunities Calibre will unlock significant value.


"Darren Hall"

Darren Hall, President & Chief Executive Officer

For further information, please contact:

Ryan King
SVP Corporate Development & IR
T: 604.628.1012

Calibre's head office is located at Suite 1560, 200 Burrard St., Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3L6.

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