Momcozy Earns Two Dozen Product Awards in 2024, Solidifying its Position as a Smart Option for Mothers Across the World

Udgivet den 10-07-2024  |  kl. 12:00  |  

LONDON, July 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Recognition by Prestigious Outlets Highlight Momcozy's Excellence as a One-Stop Maternity and Baby Care Brand.

World-renowned maternity and baby care brand Momcozy has reached new heights of acclaim from the industry's most prestigious media outlets and awards organizations, earning two dozen and counting honors in 2024 for its excellence as a one-stop maternity and baby care brand that supports all expecting and new mothers as well as their families.

Momcozy's best-selling M5 Breast Pump won two Gold honors in the Loved By Parents annual awards, the largest global parenting awards program which recognizes the world's top products in maternity and baby care. Likewise, the M5 Breast Pump earned acclaim from the UK-based maternity website PBC, with a reviewer lauding its value and "groundbreaking baby mouth-shaped design."

Momcozy also took home a pair of Gold Awards from Bizziebaby, an England-based independent review site, for the brand's V2 Hands-Free Breast Pump and its Seamless Floral Push Up Nursing Bra. A Bizziebaby reviewer praised the V2 Hands-Free Breast Pump as a "very good value," while Seamless Floral Push Up Nursing Bra reviewer called it "the best nursing bra" they've owned. The reviewers' comments on value and reliability reinforced Momcozy's positioning as a smart option for moms.

Several other Momcozy products merited Gold-recognitions from A-list awards organizations, including the Smart Baby Sound Machine App Remote Control, the KleanPal Pro Baby Bottle Washer, the 2-in-1 Nasal Aspirator with Sprayer, the Warming and Vibrating Lactation Massager, the 3 Layers Fast Bottle Sterilizer and Dryer, and the Postpartum Recovery Essentials Kit. All six earned top honors from the US-based Mom's Choice Awards, a globally recognized program for family-friendly product reviews.

Momcozy has received 49 total product awards as of May 2024, including 24 this year alone.

About Momcozy
Since 2018, Momcozy has been bringing the best in comfort to mothers with wearable breast pumps, nursing bras and other maternity care products. Endorsed by over 4 million mothers in more than 60 countries, Momcozy is a companion to women from pregnancy to early motherhood. With continuous innovation and a commitment to creating cozy designs born from love, Momcozy is growing in reach and impact to make moms' lives easier around the world.


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