Notification of executives and related parties' transactions with Nilfisk shares

Udgivet den 23-08-2024  |  kl. 07:46  |  

In accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation Article 19 no. 596/2014, Nilfisk has received the following notification from executives and/or their related parties' regarding transactions in Nilfisk shares.

This notification is an 'Initial notification' regarding the purchase of 1,700 shares in Nilfisk by Jon Sintorn, President & CEO. The shares have been purchased on August 20, 2024, at a total price of DKK 203,595.60.

For further information, please contact:

Investor Relations: Tracy Fowler +45 2523 8744
Communications & Media Relations: Nynne Jespersen Lee +45 4231 0007

1. Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person closely associated
a) Name: Jon Sintorn

2. Reason for notification
a) Occupation / title: President & CEO
b) Initial notification /amendment: Initial notification

3. Further information on the issuer of the securities in question
a) Name: Nilfisk Holding A/S
b) LEI code: 529900FSU45YYVLKB451

4. Further information on transaction/transactions: must be repeated for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each marketplace where the transactions have been executed
a) Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument /Securities code: Shares
Nilfisk Holding (NLFSK) - ISIN DK0060907293

b) Transaction type: Purchase of shares at market price

c) Price(s) and volume(s)

Price: Price per share: DKK 119.76
Volume: 1,700

d) Aggregated information
- Aggregated volume: 1,700
- Aggregated price: DKK 203,595.60

e) Date of the transaction: August 20, 2024

f) Market place of the transaction: Nasdaq Copenhagen (Copenhagen Stock Exchange)


17 Announcement_23082024_Transaction of shares


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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