A Pioneering Achievement Strengthening the Kingdom's Leadership in Medicine

Udgivet den 12-09-2024  |  kl. 13:37  |  

KFSHRC Performs the World's First Fully Robotic Heart Transplant

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSHRC) successfully performed the world's first fully robotic heart transplant on a 16-year-old patient suffering from end-stage heart failure. This pioneering achievement, overcoming the significant medical challenges associated with such procedures, reinforces KFSHRC's ability to innovate medical practices that enhance treatment outcomes and patient experiences.

The two-and-a-half-hour procedure was performed by an exceptional medical team led by Saudi cardiac surgeon Dr. Feras Khaliel, Head of Cardiac Surgery and Director of the Robotics and Minimally Invasive Surgery Program at KFSHRC. After receiving approval from the hospital's medical committee and the patient's family, Dr. Khaliel assembled a medical team prioritizing harmony and coordination among its members. The team's meticulous preparation, including detailed theoretical planning and virtual practice of the procedure seven consecutive times over three days, ensured precision and minimized potential risks.

This achievement marks a significant shift in heart transplant surgery. It moves away from traditional chest-opening procedures that require long recovery periods, often weeks or months, and limits the patient's ability to perform basic daily activities. Robotic technology allows for minimally invasive surgery, reducing pain, shortening recovery time, and minimizing the risk of complications, significantly improving patients' quality of life and accelerating their recovery.

H.E. Dr. Majid Al Fayyad, CEO of KFSHRC, hailed this achievement as a significant advancement in heart transplantation since the historic first heart transplant performed in the 1960s. He emphasized that the success of the world's first robotic heart transplant marks a transformative leap, not only for our institution but also for Saudi Arabia's journey toward global leadership in specialized medicine, in line with Saudi Vision 2030, which places innovation at the core of its efforts to improve quality of life''.

H.E. added, This remarkable achievement would not have been possible without the unwavering support of our visionary leadership, who have prioritized the development of the healthcare sector, paving the way for a transformative leap in healthcare services, unlocking new possibilities to elevate the quality of life for patients both locally and globally.''

According to Brand Finance rankings, KFSHRC has been ranked 1st in the Middle East and Africa and 20th globally in the world's top 250 Academic Medical Centers. Additionally, Newsweek magazine ranked it among the world's best 250 hospitals.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at




Media Contact:
Essam AlZahrani
+966 55 525 4429



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