The Global Panda Partners 2024 Scheduled to Take Place in Chengdu by End of November

Udgivet den 24-09-2024  |  kl. 08:08  |  

CHENGDU, China, Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Global Panda Partners 2024 (GPP 2024), hosted by Xinhua News Agency Sichuan Branch, Xinhua News Agency News & Information Center and Chengdu Media Group, is scheduled to be held in Chengdu, Sichuan, sometime around the end of November. The Panda Homeland Culture • Creativity Contest, hosted by the Chengdu Municipal People's Government for this event, has commenced on September 22nd.

The giant panda is a national treasure of China beloved by people across the globe. It is also an ambassador embodying the call for concerted efforts to strengthen global biodiversity protection, and a beacon that symbolizes harmonious coexistence between human and nature. China's endeavor to protect the giant pandas is like putting up a giant umbrella that simultaneously protects the other species that coexist with them. Any individual, group or organization devoted to the ecological progress, a friendly environment, and the green development can be considered as a panda partner.

Themed on Coexistence Between Human and Nature, the GPP 2024 aims to solidify the lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets philosophy, and properly tell stories about the beautiful Sichuan, the beautiful China, and the practices of the world's ecological progress. Upholding the values of conservation, greenness, sharing, the event comprises an opening ceremony, a culture & creativity contest, and a series of side events. Such panda partners as governmental agencies, professionals and ordinary individuals will convene at the conference, which will utilize cross-border, cross-time, cross-space and cross-civilization dialogues to promote cooperation between Panda Partners in pursuit of the same goals.

The GPP serves as a platform for fostering conversations and exchanges that are conducive to achieve consensus for the global ecological progress, owing to its academic, open and international features. Current plan for the opening ceremony includes: publishing a think tank report pertaining to ecological progress compiled jointly by authoritative organizations and New China Research (NCR), the think tank of Xinhua News Agency; inviting experts and scholars from both home and abroad to deliver keynote speeches and engage in extensive discussions; announcing the Panda Partner Cities and Panda Partner Brands lists; and collaborating with attending guests to jointly proclaim the Panda Conservation Declaration; and joining hands with professional healthcare institutions, giant panda protection organizations and social welfare forces to launch giant panda-related public activities. The event also intents to organize other events such as global panda partner Sichuan tour and dialogue, conversation on protection and international cooperation related to flagship species such as the giant panda, and China-foreign cultural tourism exchange, among others.

As an integral part of this event, the Panda Homeland Culture • Creativity Contest hosted by the Chengdu Municipal People's Government has commenced on September 22nd, which calls on creative forces around the globe to submit original creations centering on the giant pandas and related culture. The contest features Best Creation awards in five main categories such as Best Sculpture, alongside three special awards.

Source: Xinhua News Agency Sichuan Branch


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