Vow ASA: Mandatory notification of trade by primary insiders and their close associates

Udgivet den 04-12-2024  |  kl. 20:29  |  

Oslo, 4 December 2024: Reference is made to the stock exchange announcements published by Vow ASA (the Company) on 25 November 2024, regarding the commencement of the subscription period in the fully underwritten rights issue of 166,666,666 new shares in the Company, at a subscription price of NOK 1.50 per share (the Rights Issue) and the receipt of subscription rights in the Rights Issue by certain primary insiders and certain close associates of primary insiders of the Company.

As of this date, 4 December 2024, the Company has been informed that certain primary insiders and close associates have subscribed for new shares, including but not limited to:

Henrik Badin, CEO of the Company, has subscribed for 107,368 new shares.

Badin Invest Limited, a company closely associated to Henrik Badin, CEO of the Company, has subscribed for 203,000 new shares.

Thomas Borgen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company, has subscribed for 104,392 new shares.

TFBConsulting AS, a company closely associated to Thomas Borgen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company, has subscribed for 248,899 new shares.

Jonny Hansen, COO of the Company, has subscribed for 117,128 new shares.

Egil Haugsdal, Member of the Board of Directors of the Company, has subscribed for 55,636 new shares.

Jens Langebrekke, Group Finance Manager, has subscribed for 3,660 new shares.

Mari Danielsen Stamsø, Financial Advisor to the Company, has subscribed for 4,225 new shares.

Limamo Invest AS, a company closely associated to Mari Stamsø, Financial Advisor to the Company, has subscribed for 4,880 new shares.

Please see the attached forms for further details about the transactions.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


04122024 - PDMR form


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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