Netcompany - Transactions in connection with share buyback programme

Udgivet den 12-12-2024  |  kl. 12:22  |  

Company announcement
No. 56/2024

                                                 12 December 2024

Transactions in connection with share buyback programme
On 31 October 2024, Netcompany Group A/S ("Netcompany") announced that a share buyback programme of up to DKK 250m and a maximum of 1,300,000 shares had been initiated with the purpose of adjusting Netcompany's capital structure and meeting its obligations relating to share-based incentive programmes.

The share buyback programme is executed in accordance with EU Market Abuse Regulation, EU Regulation no. 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 and the provisions of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016 (the "Safe Harbour Regulation"). The share buyback programme will end no later than 24 January 2024.

Transactions made under the share buyback programme will be announced through Nasdaq Copenhagen on a weekly basis.

The following transactions have been executed in the period 5 December 2024 to 11 December 2024:

  Number of shares Average purchase price, DKK Transaction value, DKK
05/12/2024 12,236 366.74 4,487,438
06/12/2024 3,000 368.16 1,104,470
09/12/2024 13,331 371.54 4,953,056
10/12/2024 13,707 371.01 5,085,419
11/12/2024 22,700 368.39 8,362,560
Accumulated for the period 64,974 - 23,992,943
Accumulated under the programme 400,462 - 139,468,028

Detailed information on all transactions under the share buyback programme during the period is included in the attached appendix.

Following the above transactions and vesting of RSU's, Netcompany owns a total of 2,629,371 treasury shares corresponding to 5.3% of the total share capital.

Additional information
For additional information, please contact:

Netcompany Group A/S
Thomas Johansen, CFO, +45 51 19 32 24
Frederikke Linde, Head of IR, +45 60 62 60 87


56. Netcompany - Transactions in connection with share buyback programme 56. Appendix - Information on all transactions


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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