North Media sells the activities in the job portal Ofir to Jobindex

Udgivet den 06-01-2025  |  kl. 12:03  |  

Announcement no. 1-2025

6 January 2025

North Media A/S has entered into an agreement with Jobindex A/S on the transfer of all commercial activities in the company Ofir A/S as of today.
Jobindex acquires all Ofir's customer relations, content, advertising and user data on the site as well as 11 commercial employees. To ensure a smooth transition for the customers, Jobindex will continue to use Ofirs website, brand and logo during a transition period. The sales sum is DKK 20 million.
"Ofir has been a pioneer in the market for online job advertisements since the company was established in 1996 and has since then set the tone in developing digital platforms for the Danish market alongside Jobindex. Considering the development in the market, it falls natural that Jobindex now acquires the commercial activities in Ofir, thereby being able to create an even larger and scalable player within online job advertisements. The decision supports North Media's ambition to be the market leader in the segments in which we do business", says Lasse Ingemann Brodt, CEO in North Media.
As most recently informed in the Interim report for the 3rd quarter 2024, North Media's financial expectations for Ofir in 2024 are a turnover of DKK 30-33 million, an EBITDA of DKK -16 to -13 million and an operating result (EBIT) of DKK -17 to -14 million. 
The sale of Ofir does not affect North Media's overall financial expectations for 2024, which is a turnover of DKK 1,315-1,340 million, an EBITDA of DKK 140-160 million and an operating result (EBIT) of DKK 65-85 million. The sales sum for Ofir will be included as an income in the accounts for 2025. North Media expects to publish the annual report for 2024 on 12 March 2025. 

For further information:
CEO Lasse Ingeman Brodt, tel. +45 20 24 32 92 
CFO Kåre Wigh, tel. +45 25 65 21 45

North Media develops and operates platforms for transactions that bring businesses and consumers together. These platforms help consumers find the right products, whether they are looking for groceries, rental housing, jobs or digital access management solutions. North Media has two core business areas: Last Mile: FK Distribution and SDR Svensk Direktreklam are the leading distributors of leaflets and local newspapers in Denmark and Sweden, respectively. Minetilbud is a leading digital offer platform. Digital Services: Three businesses with the potential for strong growth,
rising earnings and scalability: BoligPortal is Denmark's leading home rentals platform, offering services to both landlords and tenants. Ofir is Denmark's most comprehensive job universe. Bekey provides digital access solutions for secured stairwells and private homes for the use of homecare services and companies delivering parcels, groceries, meal services, etc.


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