AI-Media Partners with the England and Wales Cricket Board for Cutting-Edge Captioning Solution

Udgivet den 27-02-2025  |  kl. 14:15  |  

LONDON, Feb. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AI-Media, global leader in AI-powered captioning and translation solutions, is proud to announce its recent collaboration with the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) to provide cutting-edge captioning services for their cricket fixtures. With their first season successfully completed, this partnership marks a significant milestone in enhancing the accessibility and inclusivity of cricket matches for all spectators.

AI-Media began working with the ECB to create a tailored workflow delivering live captions on LED displays at cricket stadiums across the UK to ensure accessibility during England internationals. Using AI-Media's Encoder Pro (HD492) and AI-Live platform, the bespoke workflow ensures seamless audio input and live captions for cricket events. By leveraging AI-Media's expertise in Topic Modelling, the ECB enhanced the accuracy of their captions and now easily self-manages their LEXI usage through a dedicated Cloud account. This tailored workflow highlights AI-Media's ability to integrate cutting-edge technology with customer-specific needs for reliable, high-quality captions.

The resulting captions were prominently displayed in all four corners of the cricket grounds on LED screens for specific pre-match and interval announcements. This setup ensured that all attendees, including those who are Deaf or hard of hearing, could fully engage with the live match experience. AI-Media and ECB are now working towards expanding this service to all fixtures.

We are thrilled to support the ECB in making cricket more accessible and enjoyable for all fans, said James Ward, Chief Sales Officer at AI-Media. Our advanced captioning technology and tailored workflow solutions demonstrate our commitment to enhancing the live sports experience through innovation and inclusivity.

For more information about AI-Media and its services, please visit

About Ai-Media:

Founded in Australia in 2003, AI-Media is a pioneering technology company specialising in AI language and captioning workflow solutions.
As a global leader, AI-Media provides high-quality AI-powered live and recorded captioning and translation technology and solutions to a diverse range of customers and markets worldwide.
For the first time in February 2024, AI-Media unveiled groundbreaking data showcasing the superiority of its AI captioning product, LEXI, over traditional more expensive human workflows.
With deep industry experience and sophisticated AI technology to create solutions which streamline and simplify processes, AI-Media empowers leading broadcasters, enterprises and government agencies globally to ensure seamless accessibility and inclusivity of their content.
AI-Media (ASX: AIM) commenced trading on the ASX on 15 September 2020.

About ECB:
The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) is dedicated to making cricket the most inclusive sport in the country - improving lives, connecting communities, and inspiring a new generation to engage with the game. With a focus on delivering high-performance international and domestic cricket while promoting widespread participation, the ECB continually seeks innovative partnerships to enhance the sport's reach and impact. In collaboration with Ai-Media, the ECB is leveraging cutting-edge technology to provide greater access, richer storytelling, and real-time insights that resonate with fans across all levels - from grassroots to the highest echelons of professional cricket. This partnership underscores the ECB's commitment to modernising cricket, ensuring it remains a dynamic force for good both on and off the field.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


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