Pow.Bio Unveils State-of-the-Art Facility in Alameda, Expanding Biomanufacturing Capabilities to Support Demand for Continuous Fermentation

Udgivet den 05-03-2025  |  kl. 14:00  |  

ALAMEDA, Calif., March 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pow.Bio, a leader in innovative biomanufacturing solutions, is pleased to announce the opening of its new cutting-edge facility in Alameda, California.

The new 25,000 sq ft facility, located at Marina Village in Alameda, boasts state-of-the-art production facilities equipped with AI-enabled continuous fermentation capabilities, enabling partners to achieve target production costs for competitive manufacturing:

Continuous Fermentation System: The facility houses a fleet of dual-chamber continuous systems at various scales, showcasing Pow.Bio's proprietary approach to AI-enabled biomanufacturing.Increased Scale-Up Capacity: The facility features expanded bench and pilot-scale capabilities allowing for seamless transition from gram-scale experimentation to the production of hundreds of kilograms of ingredients for finished products.Advanced Fermentation Software: AI-enabled proprietary software for rapid process development - in a matter of weeks, not months. Predictive control allows for autonomous fermentation, reducing variability and increasing manufacturing efficiency at any scale.Dedicated Food-Grade Production: As an FDA-registered facility, Pow.Bio offers a state-of-the-art cleanroom with pilot-scale fermentation and downstream processing, addressing production standards for clients supplying the food and beverage industries.Enhanced Downstream Processing (DSP): The new site offers expanded DSP capabilities, including spray drying and lyophilization, catering to a wide range of product finishing needs.

"Today, many promising bio-products are challenged with high costs of production and prolonged development timelines that delay revenue generation. The new Alameda facility is an active, working demonstration site for Pow.Bio's modern, cost-effective manufacturing solution that is delivering meaningful gains for our partners right now," stated Shannon Hall, CEO of Pow.Bio. "Our advanced demonstration facility is setting a new standard for the industry, allowing our partners to benefit from the impacts on cost and performance in weeks instead of months or years. We're thrilled that our AI driven production platform is delivering results that bring the most exciting products to market faster."

The facility serves as a real-world model for scalable deployment of Pow.Bio's intelligent fermentation platform, capable of producing a wide range of bio-based products. Importantly, Pow.Bio's technology can be implemented and integrated with existing facilities around the world, offering scalable solutions for various industries including food, agriculture, materials, chemicals and medicines.

For more information about Pow.Bio and its innovative biomanufacturing solutions, please visit www.pow.bio.

About Pow.Bio

Pow.Bio is building the future of manufacturing for biotech, bringing affordability, accelerated product development, and rapid scale-up to the $500 billion biomanufacturing market. Pow.Bio's continuous fermentation system lowers production costs and allows companies to commercialize and scale products faster. The scalable, CapEx-light technology integrates AI-driven process optimization with a continuous fermentation system, enabling rapid site conversions across a variety of manufacturing settings. Visit www.pow.bio to find out how to unlock the low-cost, high-efficiency benefits of continuous fermentation for your bioprocesses.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/cf915ae8-5cdd-4ee1-931f-9827debc8f8e


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