BitMEX Announces a 345,000 USDT Prize Pool for New and Existing Traders to Win in March

Udgivet den 17-03-2025  |  kl. 13:00  |  

MAHE, Seychelles, March 17, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BitMEX, the OG crypto derivatives exchange, has announced a 345,000 USDT prize pool to celebrate the month of March.

The campaign, which began on 5 March, is available to new, existing, and returning traders on BitMEX. Key highlights of the campaign include:

Whale Wars Trading Competition: Users must aim for the highest trading volume, PnL, and/or ROI% to win their share of a 305,000 USDT prize poolSpot Trading Arena: New users that trade BTC, ETH, SOL, XRP on BitMEX Spot will share a 40,000 USDT prize pool - with a guaranteed 100 USDT loss protection subsidy for BTC traders

The Whale Wars Trading Competition started on 5 Mar 2025 at 11:00 AM (UTC) and will end on 28 Mar 2025 at 11:59 PM (UTC). Traders can compete for the highest trading volume, PnL, and ROI%, with each trader eligible to win rewards across all three leaderboards.

Bottom traders will also stand to benefit, with a 2,500 USDT bonus available to the bottom 5 traders with the highest loss in PnL. For traders interested in participating in the competition, they can do so here.

The Spot Trading Arena will begin on 14 March 2025 at 12:00 AM (UTC) and will end on 31 March 2025 at 11:59 PM (UTC). Detailed information on the tasks and rewards can be found here.

To participate in BitMEX's March campaign, new customers need to successfully sign up for a BitMEX account and complete their KYC process. For full details and registration, visit here.

About BitMEX

BitMEX is the OG crypto derivatives exchange, providing professional crypto traders with a platform that caters to their needs through low latency, deep crypto native liquidity and unmatched reliability.

Since its founding, no cryptocurrency has been lost through intrusion or hacking, allowing BitMEX users to trade safely in the knowledge that their funds are secure. So too that they have access to the products and tools they require to be profitable.

BitMEX was also one of the first exchanges to publish their on-chain Proof of Reserves and Proof of Liabilities data. The exchange continues to publish this data twice a week - proving assurance that they safely store and segregate the funds they are entrusted with.

For more information on BitMEX, please visit the BitMEX Blog or, and follow Telegram, Twitter, Discord, and its online communities. For further inquiries, please contact


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