Announcement of managerial staff’s etc. trading in accordance with the Danish Securities Trading Act Section 28(a).
Report of transactions in A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S shares of managerial staff and connected persons.
Pursuant to section 28(a) of the Danish Securities Trading Act A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S shall report the transactions in A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S shares of managerial staff and connected persons:
Name: Shama AS
Reason: Shama AS, a related party to member of management of A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S, Trond Westlie, cf. Danish Securities Trading Act, section 28(a), subsection 4, no. 4 a), has acquired shares in A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S
Issuer: A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S
ISIN code: DK 00102444508
Type: A.P. Møller - Mærsk B
Transaction: Acquisition
Trading date: 26 May 2015
Market: Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen A/S
Number: 135
Market price: DKK 1,750,950
Contact: Lars-Erik Brenøe, tel. +45 33 63 36 07
Copenhagen, May 26, 2015
A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S
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