Danske Bank A/S, Insiders’ dealing

Udgivet den 27-05-2015  |  kl. 11:06  |  

Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015-05-27 11:06 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  

The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority

27 May 2015


Transactions made by persons obliged to report transactions to the Danish FSA and Nasdaq Copenhagen. Report No. 5/2015.

The following changes have taken place in the holding of Danske Bank shares of the persons listed below. Under the Danish Securities Trading Act, they are under an obligation to report such changes.


Name of natural or legal person obligated to give notification Thomas F. Borgen
Reason said person has an obligation to give notification is a member of the Executive Board
Name of the issuer of the securities in question Danske Bank A/S
ISIN code DK0010274414
Designation of the relevant securities Shares
The nature of the transaction Part of the fixed compensation paid in shares
The trade date 27 May 2015
The market on which the transaction was carried out Nasdaq Copenhagen
Number of securities traded 430
Market price of traded securities (DKK) 84,920.70 DKK (Average share price on 22 May 2015)



Name of natural or legal person obligated to give notification Tonny Thierry Andersen
Reason said person has an obligation to give notification is a member of the Executive Board
Name of the issuer of the securities in question Danske Bank A/S
ISIN code DK0010274414
Designation of the relevant securities Shares
The nature of the transaction Part of the fixed compensation paid in shares
The trade date 27 May 2015
The market on which the transaction was carried out Nasdaq Copenhagen
Number of securities traded 257
Market price of traded securities (DKK) 50,754.93 DKK (Average share price on 22 May 2015)



Name of natural or legal person obligated to give notification Lars Stensgaard Mørch
Reason said person has an obligation to give notification is a member of the Executive Board
Name of the issuer of the securities in question Danske Bank A/S
ISIN code DK0010274414
Designation of the relevant securities Shares
The nature of the transaction Part of the fixed compensation paid in shares
The trade date 27 May 2015
The market on which the transaction was carried out Nasdaq Copenhagen
Number of securities traded 227
Market price of traded securities (DKK) 44,830.23 DKK (Average share price on 22 May 2015)



Name of natural or legal person obligated to give notification Henrik Ramlau-Hansen
Reason said person has an obligation to give notification is a member of the Executive Board
Name of the issuer of the securities in question Danske Bank A/S
ISIN code DK0010274414
Designation of the relevant securities Shares
The nature of the transaction Part of the fixed compensation paid in shares
The trade date 27 May 2015
The market on which the transaction was carried out Nasdaq Copenhagen
Number of securities traded 244
Market price of traded securities (DKK) 48,187.56 DKK (Average share price on 22 May 2015)



Name of natural or legal person obligated to give notification Jim Ditmore
Reason said person has an obligation to give notification is a member of the Executive Board
Name of the issuer of the securities in question Danske Bank A/S
ISIN code DK0010274414
Designation of the relevant securities Shares
The nature of the transaction Part of the fixed compensation paid in shares
The trade date 27 May 2015
The market on which the transaction was carried out Nasdaq Copenhagen
Number of securities traded 236
Market price of traded securities (DKK) 46,607.64 DKK (Average share price on 22 May 2015)



Name of natural or legal person obligated to give notification Glenn Söderholm
Reason said person has an obligation to give notification is a member of the Executive Board
Name of the issuer of the securities in question Danske Bank A/S
ISIN code DK0010274414
Designation of the relevant securities Shares
The nature of the transaction Part of the fixed compensation paid in shares
The trade date 27 May 2015
The market on which the transaction was carried out Nasdaq Copenhagen
Number of securities traded 244
Market price of traded securities (DKK) 48,187.56 DKK (Average share price on 22 May 2015)



Name of natural or legal person obligated to give notification Gilbert Kohnke
Reason said person has an obligation to give notification is a member of the Executive Board
Name of the issuer of the securities in question Danske Bank A/S
ISIN code DK0010274414
Designation of the relevant securities Shares
The nature of the transaction Part of the fixed compensation paid in shares
The trade date 27 May 2015
The market on which the transaction was carried out Nasdaq Copenhagen
Number of securities traded 219
Market price of traded securities (DKK) 43,250.31 DKK (Average share price on 27 May 2015)


Vedhæftede filer:

Report 5_2015.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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