TryghedsGruppen’s members’ bonus scheme approved by the Danish Business Authority

Udgivet den 06-08-2015  |  kl. 11:20  |  

TryghedsGruppen smba is the majority owner of Tryg A/S, holding 60% of the shares.

At TryghedsGruppen’s ordinary Board of Representative meeting on 18 March 2015, it was decided to implement a members’ bonus scheme. TryghedsGruppen can, given specific circumstances, pay out part of its profit to its members who are policyholders in Tryg Forsikring A/S with abode or domicile in Denmark.

Today, TryghedsGruppen has held an extraordinary Board of Representative meeting resulting in final approval of the members’ bonus scheme by the Danish Business Authority. TryhedsGruppen will communicate more specifically to its members and other stakeholders regarding the implications of the new bonus scheme.  

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Additional information:

For further information visit or contact;

Investor Relations Director, Lars Møller at +45 22 66 66 05 or

Investor Relations Manager, Peter Brondt at +45 22 75 89 04 or

Tryg is the second-largest insurance company in the Nordic region with activities in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Tryg provides peace of mind and value for 2.7 million customers on a daily basis. Tryg is listed on NASDAQ Copenhagen and 60% of the shares are held by TryghedsGruppen smba. TryghedsGruppen, annually, contributes around DKK 500m to peace of mind purposes via TrygFonden.

Vedhæftede filer:

09_2015 TryghedsGruppen's members' bonus scheme approved by the Danish Business Authority.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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