Udgivet den 12-10-2015  |  kl. 07:21  |  

PANDORA announces that it has expanded the Company’s strategic alliance with The Walt Disney Company (Disney), to include the Asia Pacific. The extension of the alliance with Disney will begin in November 2015, with PANDORA launching its Disney jewellery collection in 13 markets in the Asia Pacific region, including Australia, China and Japan. 

As part of the alliance, PANDORA will be designated Official Charm Bracelet of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and the upcoming Shanghai Disney Resort. PANDORA products will be sold in multiple locations inside both resorts and the Disney collection from PANDORA will also be available in PANDORA concept stores and shop-in-shops throughout the region.

In August 2014, PANDORA and Disney entered into a strategic alliance to create an original PANDORA collection of Disney-themed jewellery, to be sold in Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort as well as in PANDORA stores throughout the US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Central America and the Caribbean. 

In connection with the new agreement, Anders Colding Friis, CEO in PANDORA, said: ”The reception of the PANDORA Disney collection in North America has been amazing, and following discussions with Disney, we have together decided to expand the collaboration to include the Asia Pacific. We believe that the collection will fit well with the population in Asia and Australia, and look forward to offer our Disney inspired products to our customers in the region.”

The content of this release will have no impact on PANDORA's outlook for 2015, as latest communicated to the market in in connection with the Q2 2015 report on 11 August 2015.

PANDORA designs, manufactures and markets hand-finished and contemporary jewellery made from high-quality materials at affordable prices. PANDORA jewellery is sold in more than 90 countries on six continents through approximately 9,500 points of sale, including more than 1,500 concept stores.

Founded in 1982 and headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, PANDORA employs more than 14,200 people worldwide of whom approximately 10,000 are located in Gemopolis, Thailand, where the company manufactures its jewellery. PANDORA is publicly listed on the NASDAQ Copenhagen stock exchange in Denmark. In 2014, PANDORA’s total revenue was DKK 11.9 billion (approximately EUR 1.6 billion).

For more information, please contact:

INVESTOR RELATIONS                            
Morten Eismark                                             
VP Group Investor Relations                         
Phone +45 3673 8213                                    
Mobile +45 3045 6719                                  
Kristian Lysgaard
Director, Group Communications
Phone +45 4323 1774
Mobile +45 2556 8561
Magnus Thorstholm Jensen
Investor Relations Officer

Phone +45 4323 1739
Mobile +45 3050 4402


Vedhæftede filer:

PANDORA_Company Announcement_No_265_UK.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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