Nykredit's and Totalkredit's auctions for 1 April 2016 refinancing

Udgivet den 08-01-2016  |  kl. 14:00  |  

The Nykredit Group conducts auctions in the period from Friday 5 February to Friday
12 February 2016. The auctions will comprise refinancing of adjustable-rate mortgages
(Tilpasningslån) in DKK and EUR.

The Nykredit Group currently expects to sell bonds totalling DKK 58.9bn. The amounts
are preliminary and will be affected by prepayments and refinancing changes until
end-January. The preliminary amounts are listed below.

*   1-year SDOs in DKK:             DKK 35.1bn
*   3-year SDOs in DKK:             DKK 8.3bn
*   5-year SDOs in DKK:             DKK 4.7bn
*   1-year ROs Cap D in              DKK: DKK 1.3bn
*   1-year ROs Cap G in              DKK: DKK 2.2bn
*   3-year ROs Cap G in              DKK: DKK 1.7bn
*   1-year SDOs in EUR:             EUR 350m
*   1-year ROs Cap G in              EUR: EUR 170

This announcement describes the overall terms for the auctions.

Time schedule
The auctions will be held according to the following schedule:

Auction type                                     Expected period           Auction times – CET
Interest rate adjustment based on     5 to 12 February             First auction: Bidding until 
auction prices                                                                           10:30/allotment at 10:40
                                                                                                  Second auction: Bidding until 
                                                                                                  11:30/allotment at 11:40
                                                                                                  Third auction: Bidding until 
                                                                                                  13:00/allotment at 13:10

SDO or RO funding
At the auctions, covered bonds of the types særligt dækkede obligationer (SDOs) and realkreditobligationer (ROs) will be offered. The guidelines for the choice of bond type are:

*   All existing loans funded by SDOs will be refinanced by SDOs in Capital Centre H.
*   All existing loans funded by ROs in Capital Centres D and G will be refinanced by
    ROs in Capital Centres D and G.

Auction amounts and period
Details on auction amounts and period will be announced at the beginning of February. Subsequently, the auction amounts will be updated on an ongoing basis at nykredit. com/ir.

Questions regarding the bond sales and technical matters may be addressed to Group Treasury, Lars Mossing Madsen, tel +45 44 55 11 66, or Christian Mauritzen, tel +4544 55 10 14.

Other enquiries may be directed to Henrik Hjortshøj-Nielsen, Executive Vice President,

tel +45 44 55 10 40.





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