Supervisory Board meeting in Jyske Bank A/S on 16 March 2016
Silkeborg, 2016-03-16 20:15 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Supervisory Board meeting in Jyske Bank A/S on 16 March 2016
Following the Annual General Meeting today and the subsequent meeting of Shareholders Representatives, where Rina Asmussen, Sven Burhkall and Keld Norup were re-elected to the Supervisory Board, the Supervisory Board has held a meeting and re-elected Sven Buhrkall as chairman of the Supervisory Board.
Further today Oluf Engell retired as member of the Supervisory Board due to the age limit.
Yours faithfully
Sven Buhrkall Anders Dam
Chairman Managing Director and CEO
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