Veloxis announces the total number of shares and voting rights in the company as of 31 March 2016

Udgivet den 31-03-2016  |  kl. 20:47  |  

Company Announcement no. 5/2016


To: NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S                                           Hørsholm, Denmark, 31 March 2016



Veloxis announces the total number of shares and voting rights in the company as of 31 March 2016


Veloxis Pharmaceuticals A/S announces in accordance with Section 6 of the Danish Statutory Order on Issuers' Disclosure Obligations, the total number of shares and voting rights in the company at the end of a calendar month in which changes to the share capital have occurred.


With reference to Company Announcement no. 4 / 2016 dated 30 March 2016 informing of an increase in the share capital and the voting rights after exercise of employee warrants, the table below provides the total number of shares and voting rights in Veloxis as of 31 March 2016.


Date Total number of shares
(nominal value of DKK 0.10 each)
Share capital
(nominal value in DKK)
Total number of votes
31 March 2016 1,685,506,541 168,550,654.10 1,685,506,541


For more information, please contact:


Craig A. Collard                                          Johnny Stilou

President & CEO                                         EVP, Chief Financial Officer

Phone: +1 919 524 4317                           Phone: +45 30 53 33 64

Email:                             Email:


Veloxis Pharmaceuticals A/S (VELO)

Based in Hørsholm, Denmark, with an office in New Jersey, Veloxis Pharmaceuticals A/S, or Veloxis, is a specialty pharmaceutical company. Veloxis' unique, patented delivery technology, MeltDose®, is designed to enhance the absorption and bioavailability of select orally administered drugs. Veloxis is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen under the trading symbol OMX: VELO.


For further information, please visit


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