Rovsing delivers first Distributed Simulation & Test Environment systems (DSTE) to Airbus DS

Udgivet den 21-10-2016  |  kl. 14:33  |  

For the first time since the acquisition of DSTE intellectual property rights in 2013 from the former Dutch company SSBV Space & Ground B.V., Rovsing delivered two DSTE based spacecraft simulator systems (SIS) to Airbus DS (Toulouse) in the frame of the ESA satellite programme JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer). These simulators allow JUICE scientists to test and verify their science payloads without the need of connecting them to the spacecraft platform.

While the first SIS was integrated and tested in Noordwijk (NL) in the frame of an agreed know-how transfer together with Celestia STS, a new company which has taken over know-how and personnel from SSBV, the second system was integrated and tested at Rovsing's premises in Skovlunde (DK). "This is a clear indication that Rovsing successfully pursues its DSTE know-how transfer programme," says Cristian Bank, CEO of Rovsing since January 2016.

In total, Rovsing is contracted to deliver 16 JUICE simulator systems over the next weeks. "We are now well under way to integrate and deliver in time all remaining simulator systems to the scientists all over Europe," added Hjalti Pall Thorvardarson, Head of Systems & Services of Rovsing.

In parallel, Rovsing builds other DSTE based test systems for other customers and ESA programmes that greatly benefit from the successful implementation of the JUICE SIS. After the successful closeout of the four year long Solar Array Simulator (SAS) development programme earlier this year and four deliveries of SAS based power test systems between May and August, the start-up of DSTE based deliveries is an important landmark for making Rovsing's system and product business profitable.



Further information

SSBV-Rovsing A/S,

Cristian Bank, CEO; or Hjalti P. Thorvardarson,

Vedhæftede filer:

Announcement _no._240 _DSTE_final.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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