Nasdaq Copenhagen
Nikolaj Plads 6
DK-1067 Copenhagen K
Frederikssund, 14 February 2017
On 27 January 2017, Cemat A/S announced an offer to the shareholders to buy back the Company's own shares at a fixed price of DKK 0,352 per share.
At the end of the offer period, the Company has received 294,313,765 acceptances from shareholders representing 54.1% of the shares in the Company.
At the Company's general meeting held on 24 October 2016, the Board of Directors was authorised to buy back up to 337,993,060 shares, equivalent to around 62% of the shares in the Company.
As the number of shares tendered to the Company represents fewer shares than provided for under the authorisation, the number of shares purchased will not be reduced.
Immediately following this announcement, the Company will convene an annual general meeting to be held on 8 March 2017 for the adoption, among other things, of a capital reduction equivalent to the acceptances received. If the capital reduction is adopted, and if no significant claims are filed by creditors against the Company in the subsequent 4-week period (statutory notice), the Company is expected to complete and apply for registration of the capital reduction with the Danish Business Authority after expiry of the 4-week period on 11 April 2017.
Completion and settlement of the buy-back offer is expected to take place after the 4-week period on 11 April 2017.
Cemat A/S
Jens Borelli-Kjær
Chairman of the Board of Directors
This announcement has been issued in Danish and English. In case of any inconsistencies, the Danish version will prevail.
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