Extraordinary General Meeting of RTX A/S

Udgivet den 27-02-2017  |  kl. 15:15  |  

Today, 27 February 2017, RTX A/S has held an extraordinary General Meeting.

At the extraordinary General Meeting the general assembly adopted the Supervisory Board's recommendations in the agenda.

The following was agreed:

  1. Reduction of the Company's share capital of nominal DKK 1,450,000 from DKK 47,164,190 to DKK 45,714,190 by annulment of 290,000 treasury shares acquired in the share repurchase programme, and consequently an amendment to the Articles of Association article 4.1.
  2. Authorization to Attorney Henrik Møgelmose to announce the approved decisions to the Danish Business Authority and to make any such changes and additions hereto if required by the Danish Business Authority as a condition for registration.

Before the capital reduction is effected the Danish Business Authority's it-system will encourage the Company's creditors to file their claims within four weeks, cf. section 192 part 1 of the Danish Companies law. The capital reduction and the following change of the Articles of Association will be registered at the the Danish Business Authority after the four weeks' period.


Share capital

The share capital amounts to DKK 47,164,190 before the reduction. After the nominal reduction of DKK 1,450,000 equivalent to 290,000 shares at DKK 5, the share capital amounts to DKK 45,714,190 divided in 9,142,838 shares at DKK 5.


Yours sincerely,

Peter Thostrup

Peter Røpke

Vedhæftede filer:

RTX CA No 14-2017 - 27.02.17 - Summary of EGM.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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