Udgivet den 10-04-2017  |  kl. 17:05  |  

On 7 February, PANDORA initiated a share buy-back programme, cf. Company announcement no. 350. The share buyback programme is executed in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (market abuse regulation). 

The purpose of the programme is to reduce PANDORAs share capital and to meet obligations arising from employee share option programmes.

Under the programme PANDORA will buy back shares for an amount up to DKK 1,800 million in the period from 7 February to 6 February 2018.

The following transactions have been made under the programme:

  Number of
Average purchase price, DKK Transaction value, DKK
Accumulated, latest announcement 398,426   325,069,232
3 April 2017 20,750 764.39 15,861,126
4 April 2017 31,750 741.32 23,536,958
5 April 2017 7,500 717.67 5,382,500
6 April 2017 0   0
7 April 2017 0   0
Accumulated under the programme 458,426   369,849,815

With the transactions stated above, PANDORA owns a total of 5,332,896 treasury shares, corresponding to 4.6% of the Company's share capital.

In accordance with Regulation (EU) No 596/2014, all transactions related to the share buyback programme are presented in detailed form in the spread sheet attached to this Company Announcement.

PANDORA designs, manufactures and markets hand-finished and contemporary jewellery made from high-quality materials at affordable prices. PANDORA jewellery is sold in more than 100 countries on six continents through around 8,100 points of sale, including more than 2,100 concept stores.

Founded in 1982 and headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, PANDORA employs more than 21,500 people worldwide of whom around 12,400 are located in Thailand, where the Company manufactures its jewellery. PANDORA is publicly listed on the Nasdaq Copenhagen stock exchange in Denmark. In 2016, PANDORA's total revenue was DKK 20.3 billion (approximately EUR 2.7 billion). 

For more information, please contact: 

INVESTOR RELATIONS                            
Magnus Thorstholm Jensen
Vice President, Head of Investor Relations

+45 7219 5739
Kristian Lysgaard
Director, Corporate Communications
+45 7219 5774
Brian Granberg
Investor Relations Officer

+45 7219 5344


Vedhæftede filer:

Appendix_Company Announcement_No_370.pdf

Appendix_Company Announcement_No_370.xlsx

PANDORA_Company Announcement_No_370_UK.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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