LM Group Holding A/S announces confirmation of full redemption of all its outstanding EUR 130,000,000 8% Senior Secured Notes due 2019 and NOK 475,000,000 Floating Rate Senior Secured Notes due 2020.

Udgivet den 21-04-2017  |  kl. 08:30  |  

Company announcement 8/2017     LM Group Holding A/S (LM), a subsidiary of LM Wind Power Holding A/S (LM Group), previously issued a conditional notice of redemption on 31 March 2017 in order to exercise its option to redeem in full all its outstanding EUR 130,000,000 8% Senior Secured Notes due 2019 (the EUR Notes) and NOK 475,000,000 Floating Rate Senior Secured Notes due 2020 (the NOK Notes and, together with the EUR Notes, the Notes). The redemption was to be conditional upon confirmation by LM that the acquisition by GE Global Holdings Denmark ApS of all the share capital of LM Group has occurred or will occur.


As a result, LM has today issued notices of confirmation of full redemption of the Notes to occur on a redemption date of 28 April 2017.

Copies of the notices are appended.   For more information contact:   Lene Mi Ran Kristiansen, Senior Manager, Communications & Sustainability +45 51388236   Or   Christopher Springham, VP Global Communications & Sustainability +31 6 14814919 NOK_Final_Notice_Confirmation_of_Redemption_EN

This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: LM Group Holding A/S via Globenewswire


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