Interim report of Copenhagen Airports A/S (CPH) for the period 1 January - 30 June 2017

Udgivet den 08-08-2017  |  kl. 14:19  |  

Stock Exchange Announcement 2017

Copenhagen, 8 August 2017

The Board of Directors has today approved the interim report for the period 1 January - 30 June 2017. 

Summary for the first half of 2017

The growth in passenger numbers meant that Copenhagen Airports A/S achieved a satisfactory half-year result, with revenue up 1.8%. From 1 April 2017 and further to a new operator agreement with Nordic Choice, the hotel operation has been recognised on a net basis. Excluding this effect, underlying revenue grew by 4.3%. CPH has a sustained focus on efficiency improvements, which has once again seen it named "Europe's most efficient airport", an annual accolade awarded by leading international researchers and aviation experts in the Air Transport Research Society (ATRS). This is the 12th time in 14 years that Copenhagen Airport has been awarded this prize. The half-year report also shows how CPH has succeeded in reducing operating costs per passenger by 1.6% compared to the same period last year, excluding one-off items and the effect of the new hotel agreement. CPH has increased its headcount by 98 since 30 June 2016 and continued with its growth plan, which is part of the reason for the 5.2% increase in total underlying operating costs (including depreciation charges). Overall, profit before tax, excluding one-off items, increased by 1% or DKK 7.7 million to DKK 758.0 million. 

On this basis, Copenhagen Airports A/S is maintaining its 2017 outlook for profit before tax, excluding one-off items, in the range of DKK 1,600-1,700 million. 

Copenhagen Airport has made a good start to the year. Following a record year in 2016, the first half of 2017 has seen pleasing growth in the number of passengers at the airport and a positive development in the route network. The 2.3% increase in passenger numbers to 14 million is in line with expectations. In 2016, for the first time, there were days when more than 100,000 passengers passed through Copenhagen Airport. More than 30 such days are expected in 2017. Danes are travelling more frequently, and Denmark has become an attractive destination for many tourists, particularly from southern Europe. CPH seeks to continue this development with Expanding CPH, its plan to expand and develop the airport to be able to accommodate more than 40 million passengers a year. 

The growth in passenger numbers has meant that the airlines have generally experienced an improvement in occupancy on individual flights. The load factor - the percentage of seats sold on an aircraft - has risen to 74.5%, compared to 71.8% in the first half of 2016. 

International competition among the major European airports mainly revolves around attracting new, intercontinental routes. In recent years, Copenhagen Airport has been able to increase both the number of destinations served and, not least, the number of weekly departures. The number of weekly intercontinental departures from Copenhagen Airport has increased from 102 in 2012 to 134 in 2016, up more than 31%. In the same period, there was a 36% increase in the number of destinations served, from 25 to 34. 

In the first half of 2017, the number of passengers on intercontinental routes was up 7.8%, underlining the underlying latent potential for more passengers on long-haul routes. CPH is working purposefully to expand the number of intercontinental routes, and in May was able to announce that Air India will start direct flights between Copenhagen and Delhi from September. There has long been a demand for this route from the Danish business community, and CPH has devoted significant resources over the last eight years to making this happen. An analysis by DAMVAD Analytics shows that the route between Copenhagen and Delhi alone will contribute more than DKK 250 million to Denmark's economy. 

Several new routes from Copenhagen opened in the first half of 2017 - some to new destinations such as Oakland (California), Valencia and Turin, and some with new airlines to existing destinations, for example SAS's routes to the Faroe Islands and Riga. Routes create growth and jobs. The consulting company DAMVAD Analytics has calculated that growth at Copenhagen Airport in the period 2005 to 2015 boosted Denmark's gross domestic product (GDP) by approximately DKK 31 billion. 

High investment level

In recent years, Copenhagen Airports A/S has invested more than DKK 1 billion a year in expanding and developing the airport. This is an important part of Expanding CPH, which CPH hopes will enable the airport to handle 40 million passengers a year. The high investment level has been maintained in 2017, with several major investment projects being launched at the start of the year. Construction of a new Pier E started in January. The first phase of building work is expected to be finished in 2019, providing seven new gates, including for the largest wide-body aircraft. Work also began on the expansion of Terminal 2. This project will double its area, providing larger passenger flow areas as well as new amenities for passengers. The expansion of the central security checkpoint is expected to be finished by the end of the year. Total investments in the first half of 2017 were DKK 653.5 million. 

Government proposal to increase regulation creates uncertainty

In November 2015, as part of the initiative "Growth and development in all parts of Denmark", the government started drawing up Denmark's first national aviation strategy. As notified in the stock exchange announcements of 3 and 5 July 2017, the proposed changes may have a significant negative impact on the airport's strategy, business and finances. Reference is made to the aforementioned stock exchange announcements. 

CPH will review the business model and strategy in light of the proposed regulatory changes. In particular, CPH will have to re-evaluate the investment plan and financing. According to CPH, the concrete regulation now in open consultation will not lead to the desired effects in the strategy with regard to growth, accessibility and job creation. 

Interim dividend

Based on the half-year results, a decision has been taken to distribute an interim dividend totalling DKK 500.0 million, equivalent to DKK 63.7 per share. CPH will review the full year dividend in line with normal practice. 

Highlights of results

  • Passenger numbers at Copenhagen Airport increased by 2.3% in the first six months of 2017. The number of local departing passengers grew by 4.5% and the number of transfer passengers decreased by 5.5%. 
  • Revenue grew by 1.8% to DKK 2,146.6 million (2016: DKK 2,108.6 million), primarily driven by the increase in departing international passengers. Underlying revenue growth, excluding the effect of the new hotel agreement, was 4.3%. 
  • Thanks to sustained focus on cost efficiency and despite increased regulatory requirements, operating costs per passenger fell by 1.6%, excluding one-off items and the effect of the new hotel agreement. 
  • EBITDA, excluding one-off items, increased by 6.0% to DKK 1,246.0 million (2016: DKK 1,175.1 million). Reported EBITDA rose by 5.8% to DKK 1,236.1 million (2016: DKK 1,167.9 million). 
  • EBIT, excluding one-off items, increased by 1.7% to DKK 852.8 million (2016: DKK 838.5 million).  Reported EBIT rose by 1.4% to DKK 842.9 million (2016: DKK 831.3 million). EBIT was affected by a 16.8% increase in depreciation charges because of the large investments in growth. 
  • Net financing costs increased by DKK 6.6 million year on year, which is partly due to a higher investment level, but were partly offset by improved loan terms. 
  • Profit before tax, excluding one-off items, increased by 1.0% to DKK 758.0 million (2016: DKK 750.3 million). Reported profit before tax increased by 0.7% to DKK 748.1 million (2016: DKK 743.1 million). 
  • Capital expenditure was DKK 653.5 million in the first six months of 2017 (2016: DKK 372.2 million). The first half has been affected by expansion of capacity at the central security checkpoint, improvement of wide-body facilities, expansion of Terminal 2 airside, establishment of Pier E and various investments in growth. 
  • A total dividend of DKK 500.0 million will be distributed on 11 August 2017 via VP Securities Services based on the holdings registered in VP accounts at the end of the business day on 10 August 2017. Consequently, shares purchased for settlement on or before 10 August 2017 will carry a dividend, whereas shares sold for settlement on or before 10 August 2017 will lose the right to a dividend. This means that transactions up to and including 8 August 2017 will be settled cum dividend, and transactions from and including 9 August 2017 will be settled ex dividend when traded at normal two-day settlement. 

Outlook for 2017

The outlook for traffic growth, profit before tax and capital expenditure is unchanged from the announcement of 16 May 2017. 

Outlook for profit before tax

Based on the expected traffic programme for 2017, an increase in the total number of passengers is expected. 

The development in passenger numbers is a dynamic factor that is subject to both positive and negative influence from general economic developments, decisions by airlines relating to routes and capacity, and isolated events in the aviation industry. The increase in passenger numbers is expected to have a favourable impact on revenue. 

The change in the hotel operation from Hilton to Nordic Choice (Clarion) means that the Group's revenue and operating costs are expected to fall, as from 1 April 2017 CPH will recognize the operation as revenue-based income. Excluding the hotel operation, revenue and operating costs are still expected to increase. 

Excluding the hotel operation, operating costs are still expected to be higher than in 2016, primarily due to the expected rise in passenger numbers, stricter security requirements and cost inflation, although this will be partly offset by a continuing focus on operating cost efficiencies. Overall, depreciation charges and financing costs are expected to be higher than in 2016, primarily because of a continuing high level of investment. 

Profit before tax in 2017 is expected to be in the range of DKK 1,600-1,700 million, excluding one-off items. EBITDA is expected to be higher in 2017 than in 2016, excluding one-off items. 

Outlook for capital investments

CPH expects to continue to invest in growth for the benefit of passengers and airlines, and is therefore continuing with Expanding CPH, its plan to expand and develop the airport as passenger numbers increase. CPH expects to maintain a high capital investment level in 2017, expected to amount to approx. DKK 1.3 billion, to accommodate the high passenger growth. Planned investments include expansion of the central security checkpoint, expansion of wide-body facilities, a new walkway in Terminal 3 and expansion of Terminal 2 airside. CPH will also be investing in non-aeronautical projects for the benefit of airlines and passengers.



P.O. Box 74
Lufthavnsboulevarden 6
2770 Kastrup, Denmark
Lars Jønstrup Dollerup
Tel.:  +45 3231 3231
Fax:  +45 3231 3132

CVR no. 14 70 72 04





Vedhæftede filer:

H1 2017 Announcement to the Copenhagen Stock Exchange.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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