Announcement of Drawings

Udgivet den 22-09-2017  |  kl. 07:57  |  

To Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S                                                             22 September 2017
                                                                                                          Announcement no. 90/2017

Announcement of Drawings

Pursuant to S. 27a (1) of the Danish Securities Trading Act, we hereby publish drawings (repayment) for bonds issued by BRFkredit. Please find the data in the attached file.

The information will also be available on BRFkredit's web site at

For further information about format of data and content of the file we refer to the web site of NASDAQ at

Questions may be addressed to Christian Bech-Ravn, Head of Investor Relations, tel. (+45) 45 26 20 82.

Yours sincerely

Please observe that the Danish version of this announcement prevails.



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