Notice to Convene Annual General Meeting 2018

Udgivet den 22-03-2018  |  kl. 13:57  |  

 Company Announcement no. 05/2018


To: NASDAQ Copenhagen A/S                                    Copenhagen, Denmark, 22 March 2018


Notice to Convene Annual General Meeting 2018


The board of directors of Veloxis Pharmaceuticals A/S, CVR no. 26 52 77 67 (the Company), hereby convenes the annual general meeting in the Company which will be held on

Friday 13 April 2018 at 9 am. CET

at the offices of Plesner Law Firm, Amerika Plads 37, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark.



  1. Report by the Company's board of directors on the Company's activities during the past financial year
  1. Presentation of the audited annual report for approval
  1. Resolution on covering of losses as per the approved annual report
  1. Election of members to the board of directors
  1. Election of auditor
  1. Approval of fee to the board of directors for the financial year 2018
  1. Proposal by the board of directors on authorization to the board of directors to issue warrants and amendment of the articles of association in accordance therewith
  1. Proposal by the board of directors for approval of updated remuneration policy including general guidelines for incentive-based remuneration to members of the board of directors and executive management and amendment of the articles of association in accordance therewith
  1. Proposal from the board of directors to authorize the board of directors to increase the share capital at market price by cash payment with up to nominally DKK 17,126,385.31 with pre-emptive subscription rights for the shareholders, including the proposal for amendment of the Company's articles of association in accordance therewith
  1. Proposal by the board of directors on authorization to the Company to acquire own shares
  1. Proposal by the board of directors on authorization to the chairman of the annual general meeting, with a right of substitution, to file the resolutions passed at the general meeting for registration with the Danish Business Authority


Please see attached document for complete proposals.



Vedhæftede filer:

2018.03.22 Veloxis 2018 AGM - Notice to Convene.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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