Acuva UV LED...World's Most Compact, Energy Efficient & Powerful Water Disinfection Module for OEM Appliance Integration

Udgivet den 06-11-2018  |  kl. 17:00  |  

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 06, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Acuva Technologies, a global leader in UVC-LED drinking water disinfection technology, has launched Strike, a platform of compact customizable modules designed specifically for integration into OEM appliances. Acuva's globally patented UVC-LED disinfection technology is the most precise, reliable and consistent water disinfection system available. Strike's stainless-steel module design is robust, economical, requires no maintenance, and is mercury-free.

Acuva's Strike modules are designed to create a controlled optical environment that matches water velocity with UV irradiance to optimize microbial disinfection. Acuva's innovative technology maximizes available UVC-LED power through optical lensing to deliver an intense collimated beam of UV energy directly into water, while reducing energy consumption and extending LED life with automatic on/off activation.

The slim and compact form-factor of Acuva's Strike enables integration into a vast array of consumer and commercial appliances that was simply impossible before. This includes water coolers/dispensers/fountains, beverage dispensers, ice/coffee makers and lab water equipment. Furthermore, Strike's modular design is easily scalable and offers full customization to meet OEM flow rate and disinfection performance requirements.

Acuva's intelligent, energy efficient self-cooling system is designed to be virtually maintenance‑free as it contains no moving parts and provides hassle-free uninterrupted usage. Additionally, Acuva's patented technology prevents mineral scaling and eliminates needs for cleaning and frequent replacement, unlike UV lamps.

Acuva provides comprehensive support through every stage of product integration including appliance integration engineering, testing and end-user support.

Acuva's mercury-free technology is also compliant with the Minamata Convention, the UN Environmental Programme, whose mandate is to encourage the phasing out of mercury by 2020. Acuva's superior disinfection performance, plus minimal energy and maintenance requirements, offer an unbeatable value proposition for the appliance industry.  The return on investment for Acuva Strike modules are as clear as purified water. For more information about Acuva products, including the new Strike module, please visit

Link to Product Images:

For more information, media inquiries or to book an interview please contact:
Acuva Technologies
Toll Free 1-800-980-8810

For business and investment inquiries, please contact:
Manoj Singh, CEO

Acuva Technologies is a global leader in the design and manufacture of UV LED drinking water disinfection technology for OEM appliance integration, as well as complete systems for home, off-grid, marine and recreation vehicle use. For more information visit


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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