TrueCommerce Datalliance Updates Its Core Vendor Managed Inventory Solution

Udgivet den 27-11-2018  |  kl. 15:00  |  

-- Inventory management software further expands external demand driven replenishment capabilities --

CINCINNATI, Nov. 27, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TrueCommerce Datalliance, a global provider of vendor managed inventory (VMI) and collaborative replenishment (CR) software, announced the fourth free 2018 software update of its core solution to enhance its external demand driven replenishment capabilities. The update's new features focus on meeting the changing retail landscape and enabling executives to deeper analyze company data.      

Doug Bethea, Vice President of Consumer Goods Solutions said, "Retailers, more than ever, are under a lot of pressure to have the right products on the shelf. And, by adding features to external demand driven replenishment signals, our software makes it easier for suppliers and distributors to relieve that burden. Plus, we've added more visibility around product activity transactions, must go order days, truck building, safety stock, order point, and shipping lanes. Our customers, and our customers' customers, are going to love the new high-powered functionality. It's another example of how we are enabling our customers to be more connected, more supported, and more prepared for what's next."

Beyond the retail sector, TrueCommerce Datalliance added the Manager Dashboard, an advanced analytical application. "Manager Dashboard organizes key performance indicators (KPIs) and enables customers to monitor daily and weekly workflows as well as identify opportunities to increase productivity," said David Hall, Analytics Project Manager. "This is the first time that TrueCommerce Datalliance customers will be able to see that type of information and we expect a lot of interest."  

Additional highlights of this release include:

Supplier Information Master (SIM) data values have increased to support a broader range of requirementsEnhancements to numerous existing reports (e.g., external demand/unknown items, lost sales, forecast accuracy, post launch summary)Visibility and maintenance of setups for must go order days and truck building order days by shipping laneMass item update now allows item stratification codes to be added, maintained, and removedAdditional visibility options for Available-to-Promise (ATP) productsCustomizable reports that customers can self-manageManager Dashboard offers full-structured KPI view

TrueCommerce Datalliance customers can access the full list of updates by logging in to their account. 

About TrueCommerce

TrueCommerce is the most complete way to connect your business across the supply chain, integrating everything from EDI, to inventory management, to fulfillment, to digital storefronts and marketplaces, to your business system, and to whatever comes next. To stay ahead in today's dynamic global market, companies need to be able to do business in a lot of different directions at once. But too often, doing so means too many solutions and too much assembly required. For decades TrueCommerce has helped businesses be more connected, more supported, and more prepared for what's next. That's why thousands of companies - ranging from startups to the global Fortune 100, across various industries - rely on us.

TrueCommerce: Do business in every direction

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Media Contact
Yegor Kuznetsov, TrueCommerce


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