Silver Star Claims Victory Over iRobot with Final U.S. International Trade Commission Determination in 337-TA-1057

Udgivet den 03-12-2018  |  kl. 17:08  |  

SHENZHEN, China, Dec. 03, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Shenzhen Silver Star Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd (Silver Star), a leading robotics technology solutions provider, claimed victory in its long dispute with iRobot in Investigation No. 337-TA-1057 based on the Final Determination rendered by the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) on November 30, 2018.

The initial ITC complaint was filed by iRobot on April 18, 2017, against eight entities, including Silver Star, alleging infringement of certain claims of six U.S. patents. Before the ITC Hearing, iRobot withdrew two asserted patents and another asserted patent was found to be non-infringed based on summary determination. On June 25, 2018, the Honorable Administrative Law Judge Thomas Pender issued an Initial Determination in favor of Silver Star by finding two of the remaining three asserted patents to be invalid, and the third asserted patent to be non-infringed by Silver Star's redesigned products.

In its Final Determination, the ITC adopted Judge Pender's Initial Determination and found two of the asserted patents to be invalid and the third asserted patent to be non-infringed by Silver Star's redesigned products. As a result, Silver Star's business in the U.S. will not be impacted by this ITC investigation.

"We welcome the final ruling by the ITC confirming our redesigned products do not infringe any of iRobot's asserted patents, and we have great respect for the US legal system. We will continue to invest in the U.S. market," said Lirong Ye, chief executive officer of Silver Star.

He continued, "Silver Star remains committed to our development of cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence technologies and will continue to invest at least 10% of our revenues annually into our research and development, fulfilling our all-time vision to serve our customers and communities with the most innovative smart home products of the future."

As a China-based leading robotics technology solutions provider, Silver Star has grown into one of the largest original design manufacturing companies in the industry worldwide, serving more than 100 brands, including Haier, Midea, Panasonic and Hoover. The Company values and respects intellectual property rights of all companies and currently holds the biggest floor cleaning robotics IP portfolio in China.

Silver Star's mission is to continue to design and develop its robot solutions, products and services to enable a better living environment.

For more information:

Doreen Lubeck
DJLubeck, LLC


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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