ADC Therapeutics to Appoint Peter Hug, Ph.D., to Board of Directors

Udgivet den 03-01-2019  |  kl. 06:00  |  

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, Jan. 03, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ADC Therapeutics, an oncology drug discovery and development company that specializes in the development of proprietary antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), today announced that Peter Hug, Ph.D., will be appointed to its board of directors. Dr. Hug is a 35-year veteran of Roche. 

Dr. Peter B. Corr, Chairman of the Board of ADC Therapeutics, said, "Peter's breadth of global commercial and leadership experience from his long tenure at Roche will enhance our efforts as we continue progressing our pipeline of pyrrolobenzodiazepine-based ADCs through the clinic. His commercial expertise will be particularly valuable as we get closer to submitting our first Biologics License Application for ADCT-402 (loncastuximab tesirine), which is currently being evaluated in a pivotal Phase II clinical trial in patients with relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. We are thrilled to welcome Peter to our board of directors and look forward to his contributions."

Dr. Hug held positions of increasing responsibility at Roche from 1983 until his retirement at the end of 2018. He most recently served as Head of Roche Pharma EEMEA Region, which comprises Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia, Turkey, Middle East and Africa. Previously, he was Head of Pharma Region Europe, during which time he led a successful transformation of its European commercial operations. Prior to that, Dr. Hug served as Executive Vice President of Roche Pharma Partnering, a role in which he was responsible for licensing, strategic alliances and mergers and acquisitions. In earlier management roles within Roche, he was involved with multiple product launches, including hematology and oncology therapies. Dr. Hug is a graduate of the University of Basel, Switzerland.

Dr. Hug said, "I'm delighted to join ADC Therapeutics' Board of Directors as the company advances multiple clinical-stage programs with its potent ADCs in both hematological and solid tumor cancers. I look forward to working with the board and leadership team to drive continued progress and ultimately bring important new cancer therapies to patients."

About ADC Therapeutics

ADC Therapeutics SA is an oncology drug discovery and development company that specializes in the development of proprietary antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) targeting major hematological malignancies and solid tumors. The Company's ADCs are highly targeted biopharmaceutical drugs that combine monoclonal antibodies specific to surface antigens present on particular tumor cells with a novel class of highly potent pyrrolobenzodiazepine (PBD)-based warheads via a chemical linker. The Company has five PBD-based ADCs in ongoing clinical trials in the USA and Europe, and a deep pipeline of other preclinical ADCs in development. ADC Therapeutics has world-class partners, including AstraZeneca and its global biologics research and development arm, MedImmune. The Company is based in Lausanne (Biopôle), Switzerland and has operations in London, San Francisco and New Jersey. For more information, visit

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Tel.: +41 (0) 21 653 0200
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Dynamics Group
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6 Degrees
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