Despite Brexit, investors still believe in the UK real economy

Udgivet den 11-03-2019  |  kl. 09:36  |  


Despite Brexit, investors still believe in the UK real economy

11 March 2019, London - In the latest and largest infrastructure investor survey ever undertaken, the UK ranks third for countries with the most potential in the next five years despite looming Brexit.

The 2019 edition of the EDHEC Infrastructure Institute survey, conducted on behalf of the G20, shows that Brexit has barely impacted the UK's top investment destination status for infrastructure investors.

Over 300 respondents, including 130 asset owners such as large pension funds, insurance companies and sovereign wealth funds, representing USD10 trillion in assets under management, took the 2019 EDHEC/GIH survey that closed last week. This is the largest, most representative survey of infrastructure investors globally.

Despite the looming Brexit deadline on 29 March 2019, respondents ranked the UK as the third market with the most potential for private infrastructure investment in the next five years (after the US and Australia and ahead of France) out of more than 20 advanced infrastructure markets. The UK ranked second in the 2018 edition of the survey.

Frederic Blanc-Brude, director of EDHECinfra said: "This is a very strong signal: long-term investors continue to believe in the credibility of the UK infrastructure sector, the viability of the British economy in the medium term, and the creditworthiness of its government."

He added: "Perhaps 'no deal' is a good deal for infrastructure investors. This survey combines the opinions of large, sophisticated institutional investors that have to take a view on post-Brexit UK. Together, the asset owners alone represent more than 10% of global assets under management. The UK has long been one of the most active markets for infrastructure investment and represents one third of the EDHECinfra Broad Market Equity Index Universe of unlisted infrastructure companies."

The 2019 EDHEC/Global Infrastructure Hub Investor Survey will be published in April 2019.

For further information and media enquiries, please contact:

Sarah Tame,
Associate Director, Chief Communications Officer
Tel. +442073325608

EDHEC Infrastructure Institute-Singapore
One George Street #15-02
Singapore 049145

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About EDHECinfra:

EDHECinfra was launched on 24 February 2016 by EDHEC Business School to address the profound knowledge gap faced by infrastructure investors, by collecting and standardising private investment and cash flow data and running state-of-the-art asset pricing and risk models to create the performance benchmarks that are needed for asset allocation, prudential regulation and the design of new infrastructure investment solutions. EDHECinfra currently has the world's largest dedicated database of infrastructure investment cash flows, covering more than 25 years of data and hundreds of projects across the globe. EDHECinfra is headquartered in Singapore.

About EDHEC Business School:

EDHEC Business School, founded in 1906 and among the select few institutions to have garnered international recognition through the triple crown of EQUIS, AACSB and Association of MBAs accreditations, offers management education at undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate and executive levels designed to meet the needs of companies. Its large range of international graduate programmes draws students from the world over. With its five campuses in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore, its 6,000 students, and its 134 full-time faculty and researchers, EDHEC has been ranked among the top international business schools for several years.

The Research for Business strategy is a key component of the school's identity. Due to its not-for-profit aim, its financial independence and the time devoted to conducting research, the Research and Development Department contributes, as do other entities within the school, to the group's strategic objectives of growing our resources, aiming to have a visible impact on business, and forging close ties with business wherever they may be located.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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