Beter Bed Holding proposes to appoint Ms Gabrielle Reijnen as a Supervisory Director

Udgivet den 13-03-2019  |  kl. 07:30  |  

The Supervisory Board proposes to appoint Ms G.E.A. Reijnen as a Supervisory Director, to be installed at the Annual General Meeting on 25 April 2019. Her proposed appointment and a detailed CV will be included in the agenda of the AGM.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Mr Dirk Goeminne: 'We are very pleased to have found in Ms Reijnen a worthy successor of Ms De Groot as a financial expert in the Supervisory Board. With her 25 years' experience in financing, corporate finance, M&A advisory, debt & equity capital markets, risk management, cash management, corporate governance and compliance Ms Reijnen can also very well fulfil the role of Chair of the Audit Committee. We thank Mr Boone for temporarily fulfilling the position of Chair of the Audit Committee. I am convinced that with the appointment of Ms Reijnen there will be a qualitative and well-balanced Supervisory Board for the coming years.'

Beter Bed Holding is a European retail organisation that offers its customers the best quality rest at affordable prices. The organisation will do this through its international retail brands Matratzen Concord, Beter Bed, Beddenreus, Sängjätten and own wholesaler operation DBC International. All brands provide the best advice to their customers on all relevant channels including online. In 2018, the company achieved
€ 396.3 million sales with a total of 1,009 stores and an increasingly relevant share of online sales.

For more information

John Kruijssen                                                                   Hugo van den Ochtend   
CEO                                                                                  CFO       
+31 (0)413 338819                                                           +31 (0)413 338819           
+31 (0)6 13211011                                                           +31 (0)6 25746309                                            

Please click on the link below for the Pdf of the press release.



press release 13-03-2019


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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