The SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science presents Award for the Best Young Researcher in Finance and Insurance

Udgivet den 19-03-2019  |  kl. 17:14  |  

Press Release
March 19, 2019 - N° 10

The SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science presents Award for the Best Young Researcher in Finance and Insurance

As part of the Europlace Finance Institute's 12th international forum on Financial Risks, today the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science presented the Award for the Best Young Researcher in Finance and Insurance to Guillaume Vuillemey, a professor at HEC, and to Aurélien Alfonsi, a professor at the Ecole Polytechnique, for all their work on finance and risk management. The judging panel was chaired by Elyès Jouini, Vice President of Paris-Dauphine University and a member of the Institut Universitaire de France. The award is financed by the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science.

André Levy-Lang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science, said: "Research on finance continues to see remarkable developments, in terms of both the analysis of behavior and the development of sophisticated quantification instruments. The two 2019 prizewinners, Guillaume Vuillemey, an economist and finance researcher, and Aurélien Alfonsi, an expert in affine diffusion processes, have made significant and remarkable contributions to our understanding of financial risks, which the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science is delighted to single out".

Denis Kessler, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of SCOR, added: "With this award, SCOR and its Foundation for Science have once again helped to encourage young talents to advance our knowledge of risk. This year, the spotlight has been on financial risks and their quantification, at a time when players in the global economy are faced with increasing financial and monetary uncertainty."

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The SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science, founded in 2011, is a concrete example of SCOR's long-term commitment to supporting risk research and disseminating risk-related knowledge. It promotes and funds research through grants, awards and conferences. The Scientific Board of the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science, which is composed of renowned scientists from various disciplines, guides the Foundation in its selection of the submitted projects and on its long-term strategy.

The Europlace Institute of Finance (IEF), a registered public foundation, promotes research in finance with a focus on corporate needs. Through the Europlace Institute of Finance, the Louis Bachelier Fellows network supports short- and long-term research projects.


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Contact details

Marie-Laurence Bouchon
Group Head of Communications
+33 (0)1 58 44 75 43

Ian Kelly
Head of Investor Relations
+44 (0)203 207 8561

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SCOR Press Release


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