Vestas receives 143 MW order in USA with 30-year service agreement

Udgivet den 30-03-2019  |  kl. 10:43  |  

News release from Vestas-American Wind Technology
Portland, 30 March 2019

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) has placed an order for 143 MW of V126-3.45 MW turbines for the Bearkat II Wind project in Texas. Bearkat II is the second phase of the Bearkat project, following the successful 2017 commissioning of the Bearkat I project, which also featured V126-3.45 MW turbines.

Including previously purchased components, the project will have a total capacity of 162 MW.

The order includes supply and commissioning of the turbines as well as a 30-year service agreement, which also includes balance of plant operations and maintenance.

"We are pleased to continue the good collaboration with Vestas on the extension of Bearkat. Vestas has proven their ability to deliver optimised project performance and reliability", said Michael Hannibal, Partner for Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners.

"We are thrilled to continue to build our partnership with Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners and to install the trusted V126-3.45 MW turbine for the Bearkat II project", said Chris Brown, President of Vestas' sales and service division in the United States and Canada. "It's a partnership founded on our ability to collaborate with CIP across the value spectrum to deliver both best in class technology and best in class service, strengthened by the learnings from our 101 GW global fleet".  

Deliveries are expected to begin in the third quarter of 2019 while commissioning is planned for fourth quarter of 2019.

For more information, please contact:
Chante Condit-Pottol
Communications Specialist, Media & External Relations
Tel:      +1 (503) 708-6668

About Vestas
Vestas is the energy industry's global partner on sustainable energy solutions. We design, manufacture, install, and service wind turbines across the globe, and with 101 GW of wind turbines in 80 countries, we have installed more wind power than anyone else. Through our industry-leading smart data capabilities and 86 GW of wind turbines under service, we use data to interpret, forecast, and exploit wind resources and deliver best-in-class wind power solutions. Together with our customers, Vestas' more than 24,600 employees are bringing the world sustainable energy solutions to power a bright future.

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