Storebrand enters Denmark

Udgivet den 03-04-2019  |  kl. 08:00  |  

Storebrand is pleased to announce the Danish launch of its leading sustainable investment solutions with the introduction of five strategies, Storebrand Indeks - Alle Markeder, Storebrand Indeks - Nye Markeder, Storebrand Global ESG Plus, Storebrand Global Solutions and Storebrand Global Multifactor to Danish investors.

With more than DKK 550 billions assets under management, Storebrand Group is Norway's largest private asset manager and a leading Nordic provider of sustainable pensions and savings. The company has been a global pioneer in ESG investing for over 20 years, offering broad and scalable solutions for both institutional and private investors in Norway and Sweden. Storebrand delivers sustainable investment solutions and client value through a multi-boutique platform, with the brands Storebrand Funds, SKAGEN Funds and Delphi Funds, in addition to SPP Funds in Sweden.

The following funds can be traded on Nasdaq Copenhagen from Friday 5 April 2019:

Storebrand Indeks - Alle Markeder A5 (DKK), ISIN NO0010841588

Storebrand Indeks - Nye Markeder A5 (DKK), ISIN NO00108415

Storebrand Global ESG Plus A5 (DKK), ISIN NO0010841604

Storebrand Global Solutions A5 (DKK), ISIN NO0010841612

Storebrand Global Multifactor A5 (DKK), ISIN NO0010841596

Storebrand Global ESG Plus is a fossil-free model-based equity fund, investing in developed markets. The fund seeks to minimize deviations from the  MSCI World Index, given the funds screening and sustainability properties. The fund seeks to invest in companies having a high sustainability rating, and refrain from investing in companies with a low rating. The fund seeks to invest in companies with a low carbon footprint and refrains from investing in certain sectors, e.g. companies whose main business is the production and/or distribution of fossil fuels. Instead, the fund may invest more than the benchmark in companies related to clean energy, energy efficiency, recycling and low-carbon transport. Launched in April 2017 and managed by Henrik Wold Nilsen, Storebrand Global ESG Plus has DKK 2.7 billions under management.

The fund has a tax status of "minimumsudloddende" and is adapted to customers with privately taxed free funds, pension funds, A/S and ApS companies.

Please consider the enclosed documents prior to investing:

- Prospectus with Articles of Association

- Appendix which is relevant for Danish investors

- KIID (Central Investorinformation)


Storebrand Asset Management AS


Frode Aasen, Product Manager, +47 934 03 934

Morten Breivik, Head of Funds, +47 918 60 871


Storebrand Global ESG Plus Prospectus_ENG Appendix Stb Global ESG Plus_signed KID Stb Global ESG Plus A5_DEN


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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