Opening auction of 0.25 per cent DGB 2022

Udgivet den 08-05-2019  |  kl. 10:45  |  

The opening auction of the new 2 year bond, 0.25% DGB 2022, will be concluded this afternoon with cut-off at 14:00 CET.

The sale will commence via MTS Denmark's auction system with primary dealers as counterparts. The opening is contingent on stable market conditions. At the auction, the total sale will not exceed DKK 5 billion at nominal value.

As of now, bids can be submitted until 14:00 CET. Subsequently, a cut-off price will be fixed as quickly as possible and within 10 minutes at the latest. Bids at the cut-off price or above will be accommodated at the cut-off price. A pro-rata allocation of bids at the cut-off price may be applied.

For further information please contact Lars Mayland Nielsen on telephone +45 2982 9391.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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