's red dot® AI algorithm identifies chest X-rays from COVID-19 patients as 'abnormal'

Udgivet den 23-03-2020  |  kl. 07:00  |'s red dot® AI algorithm identifies chest
X-rays from COVID-19 patients as 'abnormal'

 'Instant triage' capability could potentially speed up diagnosis of COVID-19 individuals and ensure resources allocated properly.

LONDON, UK; March 23, 2020 - today announces that its artificial intelligence-based red dot® algorithm quickly identifies chest X-rays from COVID-19 patients as 'abnormal'. This 'instant triage' could potentially speed up diagnosis of COVID-19 individuals and ensure resources are allocated properly.

"The majority of deaths from COVID-19 are owing to pneumonia in the lungs of vulnerable patients. Pneumonia is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by a number of pathogens including, directly or indirectly, COVID-19 infection.  Our algorithm can detect abnormal chest X-rays including pneumonia almost instantly. Out of 28 X-rays reviewed from patients with COVID-19, we correctly identified 85% of them as 'abnormal' using red dot®," said Dr Tom Naunton Morgan MB FRCS FRCR, Chief Medical Officer, "As we evaluate further positive cases from across the world, including here in the UK, our results will be further validated.  This will increase the utility of our 'instant triage' and potentially help reduce the burden on healthcare systems as more and more cases of pneumonia present and require rapid diagnosis."

 The data follows recent news that's algorithm has been cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Commercial rollout in the US is planned for later this year.

"Our technology can make a big difference to patient safety, and the delivery of care and cost-savings to health services. It is available here and now to help manage the increased burden that will fall on health systems like the NHS in the coming weeks," said Simon Rasalingham, Chairman and Chief Executive,


For further information, please contact:
Consilium Strategic Communications
Tel: +44(0)20 3709 5700

About and radiology provides artificial intelligence, through its red dot® cognitive computing platform, to radiology departments. This technology augments the expertise of radiologists to enable them to report with greater clinical accuracy, faster and more safely than they could before. This revolutionary combination helps to deliver greater performance in radiology reporting at a fraction of the price of outsourced reporting.

Radiology departments play an essential role in the diagnostic process; however, a consequence of fewer radiologists and a growing demand for images has left services stretched beyond capacity across many trusts, resulting in reporting delays - in some cases impacting cancer diagnosis. These service issues have been highlighted by the Care Quality Commission and the Royal College of Radiologists.

Our solution seamlessly integrates into local trust workflows augmenting clinical practice and delivering state-of-the-art, safe, Artificial Intelligence.  

The algorithm has been developed using more than 30,000 example images, all of which have been reviewed and reported by highly experienced consultant radiology clinicians in order to shape accurate decision making. The red dot® prioritisation platform is capable of sorting images into normal and abnormal categories in less than 30 seconds post image acquisition. and quality

Apart from its FDA clearance, is also in the final stages of CE mark Class IIa certification.
In June 2019 the Company was awarded ISO 13485 QMS certification for an AI medical device - the 'gold standard' of quality certification.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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