Udgivet den 02-04-2020  |  kl. 14:17  |  

Company Announcement 

Copenhagen, 2 April 2020

On Thursday 2 April 2020 at 3 pm, the annual general meeting of Copenhagen Airports A/S was held with the following agenda:

The report of the board of directors on the company's activities during the past yearPresentation and adoption of the audited annual reportResolution to discharge the board of directors and the executive board from liabilityResolution on the appropriation of profit or loss as recorded in the adopted annual reportElection of members of the board of directors, including the chairman and the deputy chairmenProposal from the board of directors to approve the company's remuneration policy Approval of remuneration to the board of directors for the current yearAppointment of auditorProposals from the shareholdersAuthorisation to the chairman of the general meetingAny other business

Re item 1

The general meeting acknowledged the report of the board of directors.

Re item 2

The general meeting adopted the 2019 annual report.

Re item 3

The general meeting discharged the board of directors and the executive board from liability.

Re item 4

The general meeting approved the proposal not to distribute additional dividends for 2019 and to carry forward the profit of the year as recorded in the adopted annual report to the following financial year.

Re item 5

Lars Nørby Johansen was re-elected as chairman of the board of directors, and David Mark Stanton and Ulrik Dan Weuder were re-elected as deputy chairmen.

Janis Carol Kong and Charles Thomazi were re-elected as members of the board of directors.

Martin Præstegaard was elected as new member of the board of directors.

Re item 6

The general meeting approved the company's new remuneration policy.

Re item 7

The general meeting approved the proposed remuneration of the board of directors for the current financial year.

Re item 8

The general meeting re-elected PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautori­seret Revisionspartnerselskab as the company's auditor.

Re item 9

The general meeting did not approve the submitted shareholder proposals.

Re item 10

The general meeting authorised the chairman of the general meeting to register the resolutions with the Danish Business Authority.


P.O. Box 74
Lufthavnsboulevarden 6
DK-2770 Kastrup

Thomas Woldbye

Telephone: +45 32313231

CVR no. 14 70 72 04


AGM 2020 - CPH Company Announcement - Course of AGM


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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