Inventures Announces 2020 Winners of 3rd Annual Pitch Event

Udgivet den 05-06-2020  |  kl. 16:23  |  

Pitch competition showcased global startups with cutting-edge technology across 6 categories

CALGARY, Alberta, June 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- This morning, Inventures announced the winners of the 3rd annual Inventures Startup Pitch Event, which took place June 3-4 as part of the Inventures Unbound virtual event.

The category winners of the 2020 Inventures Startup Pitch Event are:

Innovation of Work: Moodbit

Smart Cities, Vibrant Communities: Summit Nanotech

Data in the Digital World: SensorUp

Agriculture in the Technology Age: Hempact

The Future is AI: AutonomIQ

Healthier Living, Broader Thinking: Goldfinch Health

Each of the 6 winners will receive a $10,000 prize, two badges for next year's Inventures conference, and most importantly, high-profile exposure to Inventures attendees and potential investors who are looking for the latest in cutting-edge technology and innovation.

In its 3rd year, our Pitch event continues to showcase the best technology from around the world, proving our dedication to highlighting today's most forward-thinking innovators, said Alberta Innovates CEO Laura Kilcrease. We're thrilled to offer recognition to each of this year's winners as they continue their journey toward evoking change within our ever-evolving society."

This year's Inventures Startup Pitch Event featured innovative startups from around the globe presenting game-changing products and services to a panel of judges comprised of experienced investors in each pitch category. The competition drew a number of global companies, with countries represented including Uganda, the United States, Hong Kong, Canada, and Nigeria.

For a complete list of the 2020 Finalists and Alternates, visit:

About Inventures

Inventures is a not-to-be-missed creative collision where you'll connect with big thinkers, forge business relationships and strike deals through curated match-ups and engaging conversations with influencers from around the world. You'll join 4,000+ creative and curious minds on the frontier of innovation. It's an unforgettable experience that opens doors, opens minds and erases boundaries, bringing entrepreneurs and startups together with venture capitalists, angel investors, service providers and thought leaders. Inventures Unbound took place June 3-4, 2020. For more information, please visit

Inventures, sponsored by Alberta Innovates, is Alberta's premier innovation event where the best minds from around the world come together - in real life and virtually - to learn, connect and experience awe-inspiring creative collisions. Inventures is the ultimate platform to share ideas and engage in a vital, growing community of innovators, investors and service providers.

Press Contact:
Dwayne Brunner
Tel: (+1) 403-210-5202


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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